Could you change it so that spells are offset from your playspace instead of worldspace? If they were positioned based on the center of your playspace, then you could still cast in 3d, you’d still be able to walk around and view your spells from the side, but they would move with you as you teleport/slide. There’s so many times while walking a long distance that I’d like to continue being able to practice those tricky spells.
Also, would really like the journal to be the same way. I’d rather have to manually put the journal away than it only travel with me if I hold it the entire time.
That’s a phenomenal idea. If balancing is a concern the devs could disable during combat (though I think it wouldn’t really matter much based on how slow you move in combat). I also agree with the journal suggestion. Would love to have it follow me without needing to hold it.
This was actually an intentional design decision as part of the class. You are supposed to not be able to cast while moving, and you are supposed to get “interrupted” in your spell cast if you are forced to move your position on the battlefield. That particular part of it will be coming into play a lot in the end-game dungeons and raids.
I figured it was intentional. Reminds me a lot of the classic rpg games where if the mage had to move, they stopped casting. It can still be pretty frustrating for a mage to have to stop casting to dodge some aoe attack or kite a mob, but it makes sense.
I thought so too.
And as a bonus, unlike pancake [flatscreen] MMORPGs where you’re just pushing a button and waiting for a cast timer to complete on screen and it stops if you move your character at all, in Orbus it kind of felt natural (or at least logical) that I couldn’t cast while moving.
Could you use @MagiJedi idea of it being based only while in combat that it would cancel it then? Probably not worth it at that point, but since so much time of a mage has to be spent practicing spells, it would be nice to get in that extra practice time during travel.
Are you sure it was intentional and not a mistake:) That would be awesome to move and cast for PvP. Right now classes that can move and shoot fast are at an advantage. I will say some of my favorite matches are 1 on 1 with another mage.