I would love to see drop bags colored to the rarity like MMO’s.
It would help determine wether I should risk running back if I have died and also it really makes players excited to see what it is.
Like kids opening presents at Christmas!
I would love to see drop bags colored to the rarity like MMO’s.
It would help determine wether I should risk running back if I have died and also it really makes players excited to see what it is.
Like kids opening presents at Christmas!
This is already in game.
I mean the color of the bag that drops.
Yes, it is already in game. Epic drops are purple.
the bag is in itself the same, but you have vertical ray of light, that is purple for epic drops
That’s good to know. Maybe it can be applied to lower level bags and gear in the future.
Yeah, I think the first half-ish (up to level 10 or so) of the game only drops common items, which is kind of depressing. But it makes finding those uncommon/rare items all that more exciting when you start getting them later.
It still does not do it for the blue drops though. Still appear to be green.
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