Comfort feature request: Could we get a toggle for a dimmer during spell effects?

Hey, I’ve been playing for a couple days now and greatly enjoying Orbus. I’ve found that soloing Runemage is fine when the Mobs are far away, but repeatedly blowing up fireball directly in front my face while grinding alone is kind of annoying. I’ve started to train myself to blink whenever my spells are about to go off.

I wanted to suggest a feature that could be toggled where the game would dim itself just very briefly, if a spell explosion or similar bright effect is taking up too much of your FoV. I’m thinking a bit similar to the way welding goggles work although maybe not that dim. I imagine warriors might benefit from this toggle as well.

The normal brightness level of the game is fine, it’s just when spells go off directly in front of me that it becomes a nuisance.

If it matters: I’m using an oculus rift and GTX 1080

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Yes, definitely. I was in a dark cave and someone kept casting decurse at my face. That hurt my eyes with the sudden constant change from dark to bright.

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