Cutscenes Not Playing (solved)

I haven’t been able to watch a single cutscene the entire game… For some reason when it goes to a cutscene, the screen I should be watching it in is just blank and I need to quit. Is this an issue on my end with the install? Or some other issue?

Check your settings to make sure cutscenes are not disabled.
Other than that, try to send Riley your output log when it happens.

That was one of the first things I checked. I’m level 19 at this point and i’m pretty sure i’ve missed literally every cutscene haha. I’ll see if I can find another cutscene somewhere to get an output log with the error inside it

If you have to, create a new second character to reproduce the issue.

I just discovered what the issue is. I am using Windows Enterpise N (which doesn’t have windows media player installed by default). It seems the game files were trying to play through that and were erroring out. I found the cutscenes in the game files and changed the default player. That should hopefully fix my issue. I’m going to watch the ones that i missed in this folder to catch up i guess.

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