Do you know dee curse

first of all if i’m not seeing something that my three groups have completely missed on this fight please feel free to say so I’m not perfect but this is my current perspective of the fight and should information be presented i was unaware of i’ll reassess my opinion of the fight.

i’m fine with the death mechanic EVERY MMO has one and i love that orbus is no different, i also love the decurse requirement that is again a CLASSIC mmo stereotype so much nostalgia in this fight it was awesome.

they aren’t all that obnoxious outside the fact that they do absurd amounts of damage, you can’t move out of the pink circle in one hop and it spawns faster than you can hop again combined with the known bug that the curse tracks you to the entrance.

From a tanks perspective i couldn’t last more than a few moments as a level 16 with a kite shield and pretty decent gear for the encounter (if i do say so myself and i do) I think the dungeon is meant for level 16s so i should be able to take more than the first auto from each machine without losing my shield completely and keeling over to curse

The only time i’ve been able to kill terrible trio was when we basically had a musketeer dps and heal 2 rangers dps and then 2 level 1 rune mages that didn’t get credit for the kill because they spent the whole fight casting decurse

the mechanics need to be retuned not reworked on this fight it’s not reasonable the way it is but it’s still an amazing encounter mechanic wise.

Are you now able to see the pink on the ground? That’s good, that was a bug until recently, haha.

I will work on tweaking some of those mechanics further.

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