Dodging, free vs. teleport

Hello everyone.

I think dodging using the teleport is not working as intended and should be looked at.

When I use teleportation to dodge I seem to always get hit even when teleporting very early, i.e. even before I can see the attack animation starting.

When I use free locomotion to sprint backwards I can dodge very thightly, exactly as the visuals indicate I would dodge or get hit.

It would be great if more people could confirm this, so please post your experiences here.

Hi Karim, no matter what you can’t dodge basic attacks. Dodging is meant for the red aoes. :slight_smile:

Oh, I really thought I was dodging a lot.
This is fine then and can be closed. If I find that I can actually dodge, this would be the bug then. In that case I will make a new thread with recordings.
Thank you for clarifying.

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If you keep space between you and the monster it can’t initiate it’s basic attack so you can dodge in that sense. But once it begins it’s attack after being next to you, you can’t dodge even if you go away from it somehow. Just trying to clarify the way it is supposed to function right now :stuck_out_tongue: hope it helps!

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I’ve had a similar experience to this.

Dodging via teleports seems to not take my new position right away and I’ve been hit outside the red AOE zone from multiple types of enemies. If I initially dodged via teleport I have to do a 2nd teleport really quick or slide a little to make it register that I’m out of the AOE zone and not get hit.

Dodging via strafing or sliding locomotion does not have any issues once you pass out of the red AOE zone.

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