Done with PvP for now

I think this is probably the reason why most people do not like BGs right now. Practiced and organized groups will always slaughter rando groups regardless… a good mage can do a bit of damage… but it takes a year to get good as a mage.

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Can we not derail yet another PvP thread and try and keep it to constructive feedback and experiences with class balances please?


I solo queue into FF/Nova 3+man premades I cope perfectly fine, It’s the players you get matched with that matter.

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I’m a bit confused what the advantage of a premade is, if not their ability to talk to each other. Isn’t it a bit odd to consider PvP unfair because groups are organized when you refuse to talk to your team? Did I miss something? Is it that they’re better geared or something, or just that you want better randomly selected teammates?

I never said ‘PvP is unfair’. I am commenting on the imbalance of classes that still needs some work and that it is pretty boring if you are vsing an organized premade. Gear does not count in PvP (apparently? But I am not 100% convinced on that).

Generally I want to keep this thread open for others experiences in PvP (preferably without it getting derailed by people trying to compare epeen sizes please)


I’m strongly of the mind that class balance as experienced in BGs cannot be separated from the conditions in those BG matches. If you’re not working with your team, but the enemy is, it’s going to feel like a much less fair fight because it is. You’re handicapping yourself by playing asocially and finding yourself struggling to cope with the challenges of that playstyle.


I think we are going to try rolling with allowing duo-queuing, but not full-party queuing, starting tomorrow, and see how that goes. On the one hand I have no problem with pre-mades being much better than non-premandes in PvP, on the other hand the PvP population of the game right now isn’t high enough to really make it so that there is a large contingent of premades playing each other. We’ll try that for a bit and see how that feels for everyone.

My long-term goal, as stated, is to have some kind of rotation of different PvP games, so just consider this a “manual test of a new game modification” in that vein.


That’s a little sad that the poorly skilled body rushers and stand still mages will now be able to piggy back to quest completion.

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Nice elitism there with such a small community of players. That has proven to get us really far in growing the game population and stopping it from dying in the past hasnt it…

But seriously… Look a little bit past the baseline achievements and think for a second what will actually make the pvp scene thrive properly.

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I think giving real pvp rewards and fully balancing the classes would make it thrive- not giving hand outs to people who aren’t even willing to communicate with their team.

I think there are a lot of things that need to be done, and continuing t work on balance and adding some better PvP rewards besides just the title system is definitely on that list. But as I had already said, I also think there’s something to be said for mixing up the queue every now and then to keep it interesting. This isn’t intended to be a permanent change, but I think it could be interesting to see how it goes.


So now a group of friends can’t do pvp together because a bunch of pve whiners are complaining, nice…
When is pvp getting removed entirely from the game while we’re at it? Seems like we can’t do anything pvp related without people who don’t even pvp complain about it.

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Yay let’s remove teams from a 4v4, that will totaling fix everything! Oh wait, people still won’t communicate in BGs because the reason they don’t originally is because they don’t feel like it, then complain abiut no teamwork…


I think you guys might be overeacting a tad for a temporary experiment on a seemingly vanilla pvp experience.

people seemingly want to PvP but if it is dominated purely by the top 1% then it is never going to be fun for the rest I think is the point.

Many people I have spoke to do not want to queue up for PvP right now simply because they know they will bump in to the same premade group. This is clearly a problem if you want to PvP in the first place.

Splitting premades is probably not the way to go for the long term but atleast it will give riley some idea on how that affects daily active users in PvP mode.


Their goal is to take over pvp and make everyone white named but then get upset when the community is upset when a bunch of people who are decent as a group play and trash talk after they win??? Nicely played


Who is trash talking after winning? If anything isn’t it the opposite?

I do very well vs Nova/FF 3man+ premades as solo, At the end of the day it comes down to a players skill not just being in a team of friends.

Well i have seen multiple people in LC running up to other pvps and being very unsportsmanlike like towards them. I have seen that they trash talk people in guilds such as carnage and various other guild members.


According to Riley in all interactions of orbus pvp is balanced for group play, but not that group play isn’t allowed, what now?

I do agree with you… But until Riley has time to implement this stuff (he has mentioned numerous times that he will be doing both of these things iteratively) PvP activity has to be higher to get feedback from more than just a handful of people.