Done with PvP for now

There are high amounts of immaturity and shots thrown back and forth which make it extremely hard to come to a conceivable agreement.


I agree with this spawn killing just hurts this game. The game is hurting enough as it is!

I dont get why you want beginners to stop playing battlegrounds. All your arguments go around:

  • it should be a pre made group battle, because that’s mmo stile

  • if you don’t think it’s good for beginners, it’s not. They get wrecked and should give up there quests.

This really is not how a community should treat players wanting to get some quests done.

That is so much worse.
So you actually dont have enouf of a advantage beeing a full group vs beginners, you actually make sure you have your own team in the oposit party as well, and don’t fight them if you can. God your bad.

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You guys take this wayyyy too serious lol. Who the… cares if a player (ONE player) communicates or not, in a bg round that’s over in like 5mins, even enabling voice chat is takin away from that time.

Parts of the thread are either so childish or so hostile that it’s alienating people who still regularly use the queue even more… geez, bgs are a fun thing (to me), you run around like crazy and piupiu your scoundrel or musky gun and try not to get caught and stuff.

So far the weekly quest is my main motivation to queue, I like to have a task to complete and I certainly was hoping I was in a group with you or others who are more experienced to get a win now and then. The other thing is achievements, I have fun figuring how to catch more flags or up the kills or both.

I enjoyed bgs in wow and other games but I would not ever take it to serious. If you do, then Orbus is likely not the game for ya, it’s simply not enough players around who are into that. Get used to play with casuals, give em incentives, be ready to carry em and stuff or play any battle royale instead where everyone on the server is on your track, forming guilds, practicing strategies in groups etc.

Btw every time we queued up in singles in guild we ended up in one group at the end, pretty sure you can still queue so that happens frequently with the 2-queuing.

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I know they wont carry you through a shard so im not carrying you through a BG and im also keeping all my pvp/BG knowledge to my self.

I have carried plenty of people trew shards in old orbus, and even a few in reborn. I also do normal dungeons with pug groups from time to time.

I may act salty and gloaty but I’m quite nice if you bother talking to me :wink:

I mostly want more people to cue for battlegrounds and have fun, not have a group of maybe 6-7 people make it horrible experience for beginners who try it out, making them stop playing.

That is what is happening at the moment.

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I have noticed what i assume are latency issues with spells. Theres occaisions where i watch an affliction fly past me then look at my wand only to see it was applied yet clearly didnt hit me from my perspective? (sounds like lag)

And the reverse is true too, i see my spells connect sometimes but the opponents don’t seem to be affected at all

I play from Australia so i assume the ping is a little high, problems are much more minor in PVE content, rarely an issue there. This is an issue any pvp game has with high ping players though, so can’t say im really bothered by it, just try and play to it

Yah same here… I needed nothing from low shards for months and went almost daily, with pug groups and those who needed in guild, just so, in the OG. Now in reborn we certainly gear up new players, go with the ones who do zero dmg compared to everyone else. How on earth would anyone learn a class if you only get groups being already perfect -.- Now with the trading system there’s even more a possibility and need for that.

If the whole community was of the very nice “roger”-kind than the game would die out alltogether, js.

and im also keeping all my pvp/BG knowledge to my self.

this sounds unwillingly comical omg everyone will be sooo sad :smiley:

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