Double handed locomotions options?

Correct me if I just missed something, but my impression so far is that the controls are “ambidextrous” in the sense that both hands do the same things. At least that’s what it seems like to me on the Rift.

If this is the case, I really applaud how you’ve considered left-handed people, but it’s also giving me some issues. While I don’t want you to remove support for lefties, I do wish you’d add an option to not have symmetrical button functionality.

Because the locomotion being on only one analog stick just feels absolutely terrible to me. Like a lot of Rift users I have an 180 degree play-space, so I can’t physically turn around, I have to be facing the same direction in real life at all times. Now I really like the sliding and strafing movement, it’s what feels the most natural and intuitive to me since I don’t get motion sick. But I also need to be able to turn, and right now I can’t do both. Since I can’t turn physically in real life, I have to turn with the analog stick. But if I turn with the analog stick, I can no longer strafe with the analog stick. So I either have to sacrifice strafing or turning, but I want both.

Most games since the dawn of the twin analog stick has solved this issue by having movement on the left analog stick, and camera/turning on the right analog stick. Trying to wire my brain for anything else is borderline impossible for me after almost two decades of gaming. It’s just what I expect, and I feel weird and confused when it’s not like that.

I’m very interested in this game, it seems good and I love the thought of an MMO in VR. But I just can’t play the game as it is right now, the locomotion just doesn’t work for me. So please, do consider adding a proper twin-stick locomotion scheme, or help me configure it that way if it’s already available. I think most people, even left-handed people, are so used to having movement on left and camera on right that it would be a very welcome addition among most of your players. Muscle memory and all that.

I have it so my left hand stick strafes and my right hand stick snap turns. I also use the rift controllers. I’m sure there where several choices in the menus so you could personalize it to your preferences.

There should be option available in the Locomotion settings in the Player Menu that allows you to have different functions for each controller. If there isn’t an option to support your play style let us know and we can look into adding some additional ones.

i’ve noticed that the locomotion doesnt always seem to work the same between left and right controllers though. i’ll have to make a video of it at some point.

Hmm, I must have not looked closely enough then! Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for the replies!