DPS ( runemage) observations

Hit me up sometime and we’ll fill that grinder up :slight_smile:

There are definitely exceptions to the rule that people need practice. Like, I’ve done archery IRL and my first VR game was an archery VR game, so aside from the physics being a bit off, it was easier for me to pick up archery.

Runemage, I’m somewhat inconsistent if I’m trying to speedcast (mainly because my angle is a bit off so I have to look down a little when I cast), but I’ve drawn these runes IRL before (I like studying mythology and lore and runes are part of it). These runes are basically the same as Norse runes, but with modifications. The main issue I have is that the proportions are a bit off from what I’m used to (I think the runes that the game uses are more the modern ones and I’m more used to the older ones) and drawing in air with the wand is annoying (would be easier if I could change my grip to be closer to a pen, but haven’t had any luck with that.)

Then you have people who are able to naturally be good at things without any prior experience, or who have relatable experience, such as art or calligraphy for runemage. These are exceptions to the rule, but they do exist.

Now, I have noticed that since I started talking about the exp and participation issue, some of those level 30 runemages have slowed down a little (whether coincidental or intentional, I don’t know). Particularly the ones whose names I recognize have slowed down the spam enough that I can actually get hits in. At least one person told me that they didn’t know about the exp thing. There are still those that spam anyways even when party members complain, but I think those are the ones that just do one dungeon each day.

As one of the mages who used to fire spam through dungeons, and who’s got several friends who do the same thing (it’s how we grind overworld legendary drops), I can assure you that you calling out the XP loss definitely caused a lot of us to slow down :slight_smile: that and if a player makes any mention that we’re causing less fun for them, we’ll cut it off immediately and use the time to practice spamming other spells like Arcane explosion or Frost 3. Most of the time we hear positive things (“that was the easiest dungeon!” “Thanks for helping us mow them down!”), but ya, any mention of wanting the mage to chill is usually received well :slight_smile: we’re all playing a game. We’re all here to have fun!


I just need the Mines Dungeon to get the key to do the tomb raider MSQ so I can hopefully finish the questline. I have only seen you once and that was a couple of nights ago I mean, I would love to fill that last ring but I don’t see it happening until I get some good gear. I am Gnomerci. A lowly new Scoundrel who tries so hard to solo. I do not want to be a part of a big Fellowship (too much chatter and my life is complicated) so mainly I work alone unless I can get lucky and find a group looking to do what I am doing. I hope to see you again soon. Until then… I will keep watching your videos!

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Yeah, like I don’t mind it as long as they let the party get one hit in on each enemy (my bard gets hit the hardest with that since I’m sure you know how bard participation works) or for players that are learning, let the new players learn how to do dungeons and how to prioritize certain enemies.

It is mainly just the ones that rush anyways or refuse (particularly the runemages the queue as all classes and refuse to do tank/healer and rush because “the dungeon would take too long” otherwise (even though they can still do it quickly and it might take like a minute longer to complete the dungeon than full rushing it)) that bothers me. It is bad for my exp, it is bad for newbies since it teaches them bad habits (including that it is okay to queue up as a role they don’t intend to play and that fireball spam is all that they need to do).

That a lot of you guys are starting to slow down a bit is nice for me too since I’ve been able to dial back a bit on switching to exp grab focus (which was definitely causing some chaos) and more on properly doing dps. Like, I was going to quit because the community was starting to irritate me, but it has improved since.

Like, most of what I enjoy doing is teaching newer players. I like teaching people stuff. I like seeing people take what I teach them and expand on it. I like having the entire community improve. In other games, I’ve been kicked out of guilds because instead of top members of the guild, I’d focus on improving the newer players or even outsiders. That is how much I enjoy teaching newer players.

Like, I am a huge grinder. I basically am always in a dungeon grabbing exp as fast as I can, but if I see someone that needs help, I’ll cancel my queue despite having waited an hour for it to help them. If I see someone that is still learning, I’ll do what I can to teach them.

That is why the spam frustrates me as a player.

It also annoys me because it teaches these kids that watch them to imitate them. Now, if someone is doing fireball spam knowing the risks, that is one thing, but when they are, by actions, (whether they mean to or not) teaching others who don’t know the risks, don’t know safety precautions, etc. to do the same thing… That just upsets me as someone who sees children as precious and who wants people in general to be well.

(Since it seems we are using this thread as a chat thread now… Hey Gnomerci, how have you and your kid been?)

Well, I am naturally good at breeding dragons it seems so because I am a horrible Mage and an Intermediate Scoundrel I sometimes just hang out in the new area and give out dragons. That needs to be a skill. At my age, I think I have done well.

Still, this post was about Runemages and their overpowered DPS and how they can just draw an oval over and over and basically spam any dungeon or mob in general (I get off topic easily). This is definately not the case. I cannot for the life of me use the pretzel or the oval for the fire 2. Maybe I have Orbusvr ADHD, I dunno.

I basically do the same. Breed dragons, give them out to people who seem like they need dragons. Hope others do the same instead of trying to make money off of them.

Yeah, I think for most players, it isn’t that easy. The ones that have it easy or easier are the exceptions.

For me, I could probably do the oval if I could see someone do it in-game, but ummm… I eat pretzel sticks so I have no idea what a pretzel is supposed to look like. I still wouldn’t spam it either way though since I have no interest in actually getting carpal tunnel (I’m close enough as it is). (Side note: I kind of wish the game would keep track of your spellcasting and after say 1000 times of casting X spell, it gets added to your journal. Might help until the devs fix some of those glitched pillars.)

But once a mage is able to do it consistently, they just become annoying since for some mages, it is the ONLY thing they can do. Enemy in Link shield? Keep spamming fireball at the shield. No knockback (or if they do knockback, it is usually after a long pause in casting and usually after the enemy is already out of link shield). Someone walks in front of them? Keep spamming fireball 2 in a straight line into the person in front. Someone brings a brute up to them? They don’t move, just keep spamming fireball 2.

Like, seriously, it is like the only thing they know how to do is stand in one spot, ignore mechanics, and spam a single spell repeatedly. Like in Crypt, when earth blast comes up, if the tank hasn’t moved the boss so it will miss the mage, mage is dead because they will just keep casting while standing still. Assuming they survived the aoes before that. Lich king? Almost always, they’ll skywalk and just cast from the air, maybe complain if the tank doesn’t bring the boss towards them like it is the tank’s job to help them cheat. And basically the same thing for other dungeons.

Then a few of them seem to be evolved versions of that where they will just rush the dungeon, spamming fireball as they move (which, admittedly, is impressive). Some will even skywalk through walls to skip parts of the dungeon, and just keep rushing through the enemies. Some of them will even just do full rush to the end while the party is trying to go through the dungeon properly and pressure the party to do the same.

I just noted the last part… Me and the kid are doing ok. I can’t get her to play Orbusvr anymore. She made it to level 9 and got bored and took off to play Beat Saber and a few other games. I stay here because 5 Nights at Freddies gave me a high blood pressure and this does not.

I wish at times I could spam the fireball. Like when the monsters are beating the heck out of me and I am panicked and can’t get away from them or cast anything because I’m in panic mode. I keep watching the videos and keep trying but I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. I talked to a few Mages and they usually hold their arm close to their body rather than with the arm out. One guy said he rests his on the armchair. I tried both and still no luck. In dungeons I think it should be a time to play with rotations and hone up on your skills rather than mow down everything. In solo play, anything goes! Just staying alive is my goal.

On the dragons, I mostly give them away but I put a few on the AH. None are in there for very much. I think they are 1,200 - 3,000 depending on the color and bonus. I did that because I was broke trying to get through the MSQ with all the stuff needed and spending on pure color dragons.

You could also try a combat sling (though some authorities might get curious about why you are buying weapon accessories) to stabilize your arm. I find it easier to draw smaller symbols and a bit further from me though. I do pull my arm in though for when I need to cast faster in order to help stabilize my arm so it doesn’t go twisting in weird directions since I cast it with ‘B’ so that I can get that perfect cast bonus. I it feels like my bones are bending when I do that though, so I don’t do it for very long (also with warrior provoke if I suddenly need to spam provoke for whatever reason, such as taking a shotgun to save my healer who is frozen and needs to relog >.>).

Yeah, I AH my breeds for 200-4000 buy and 1 starting bid, but that assumes I don’t just give them away.

Well, not surprised she got bored. Really there isn’t much to this game unless you get involved with the community somehow. Like, I enjoy teaching, many players like doing the hardest content, etc. Without that serious community involvement, this game gets boring pretty fast.

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