DPS Tracking & Scoreboards = Keeping Players Playing

Can there please be an option to turn on visuals for DPS tracking in Dungeons, Raids, & at Dummies (in our house, the tav & the fellowship etc) - similar to the Orbus scoreboard tracker that appears after PVP/Battergrounds, but one that is always attainable & more visually aligned with the Cindy program?

By having a DPS Tracker, both on a personal & a team level, drives players to keep wanting to play the game as it:

• Creates a sense of achievement when players are able to track their own growth (both on a personal level & with their community), &

• Encourages players to want to continually play to learn how they can improve (both individually & from their fellow team members).

Without this information being readily visually available, players tend to lose interest as they can’t acknowledge the rewards of improving in their skills, gear, tiles etc.

I believe implementing this would encourage both old players back to the game & help new players retain their interest - as some Orbus players, if not the majority(especially those who are new), don’t know about the Cindy program, can’t connect their headsets to a computer to access Cindy in game, &/or find headset playing too glitchy when connected to Cindy.

When a game’s content has a limit, so will their players interest if there is no means to provide them a sense of achievement.

Plus, it will give every Orbus player the ability to participate in the community’s talent scoreboards, which could hopefully also be available at every Dungeon, Raid, & at Dummy location (similar to the dragon races but more useable, like being to see where you rank comparatively for those not in the top 10).

Please’s & thank you’s :pray:t3:

Bella x


I believe this is a repeat of an already existing thread

this thread had been a major argument when the community was alive, but also i beleive this is impossible on quest. The entire reason we have a parser on pc is because of a file that writes every damage done to a file that can be read a a program reads it while counting how long it has been since the boss was pulled then divides total damage/time. This wouldnt work because iirc the quest version of the game doesnt even have a combat log, and oculus has limiations that dissallow things like this. This would take alot of developer time to get working on standalone quest, which is somthing orbus doesnt have anymore.


people in this community dont like getting better though, they are scared of change. i think its because the blind lead the blind in most cases.

Biggest yap I heard all week

I think this is pessimistic. Especially since player count is as dire as it is right now.

If anything, people are looking for any content reason to play the game again. I dont think a DPS meter is going to change much. But it would be helpful.

Shard cap raise - #9 would be a better alternitive to get more people into the game again.


you must not go outside then

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