Dungeon Ready Needed

Mawahahahahaha! :joy_cat:

I understand that fully i´m just saying its nice to have the option. That way everyone can be happy.

Overall I definitely understand where you’re coming from in terms that it can be frustrating when you get a brand new person that has never done any content and is not sure what to do - at the same time we also have to be careful not to separate the player base too much, which could lead to much longer queues or new players not being able to do the content and getting frustrated.

A level requirement of some kind to unlock would be the “simplest” addition, but in either case it would require some major work to lock and unlock a system like that. Perhaps what is required overall as well is more information before-hand for new players so they have a general idea of how to play a class, or what even a role means.


Fair enough, but I think I’d rather not join a cue that has 2 sprout lvl 2s than join one. I’ve found myself queuing less and less. I used to do it kind of often because I really liked helping players that may not have a clue what to do in the dungeon, but they have enough time with the class to learn what to do. I’m not expecting mastery, just the bare minimum to get the job done. If I see a few lvl 2-5’s on a Crypt I apologize explain why I’m leaving then leave. Not going to drag that on.

But I understand your side of the coin.

I’d definitely agree with the need for more information. Learning how to do simple things such as re-rolling an affix or using a mount for the first time can be challenging without in-game help (which I know would be need too much system resource to be practical).

Simple Q&A on 'How-To’s would help a lot. Yes the info can be found here or on Discourse but you need to jump around to piece it all together. Some players prefer to research answers as opposed to just asking questions.

The conversation here has been respectful but it is on all of us to watch for a culture of Noob hate which this game refreshingly does not have.

Honestly, could help just modifying the Queuing message where you select the class to say “Level 8+ is highly recommended” in red letters at the very top…


That could definitely be helpful and I’ll note it down.

It’s sometimes difficult to find a good place to put the information under the current systems so that it’s easily seen, but we’ve been adding things like tip pop-ups every level and the information tab.

I believe you now get the pop-up about dungeons around level 8 to make new players aware of them.

We’ve also been adding to the video collection on our channel, which I should be more on the ball about sharing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdcpVZwlU_Fo_b7NNSz2PGA/videos

I think of course all of that can’t really be compared to a direct tutorial in game and something that players must either do or choose to skip, but we’ll keep thinking of ways to improve on that side of things too.


The thing I want to avoid is noob hate. Being of appropriate level gives you the chance to learn and do the things needed to complete a dungeon. Most classes are so week till the level 5 talent. And honestly level 10 helps so many more. But by at least 8 you have the HP and the gear to get some stuff done.

My fave thing is sharing knowledge. And I think that is the general feeling for so many in this wonderful community. I just would like for those that join the que to have learned a foundation for themselves in the overworld with their class so you can direct them on the golden path.

Anywho! I think Mahieu_D has touched som some good design decisions. And I really think some bold as hell red text on the que or the que popup window about level appropriateness would help.

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