Exit Game Option

Is there an exit game option? I see the logout but nothing about exiting the game itself. In fact, I have not seen any VR game that has an exit game option…


Most games assume that people are going to hit the “quit app” button on the headset interface. At least that’s what I do.

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Which is odd because most people expect the app to have a quit option like PC games. It’d be nice to have both “logout” and “quit to desktop” options. I know Steam VR has those options to close any game but, again it would be a nice to have at some point.

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It would be nice-I don’t use any overlays to try to keep things as CPU friendly as possible for when I’m playing Orbus. Running at 4.3G’s and I need every one of 'em.

I tend to prefer the in-game “exit” options, myself. I use them whenever I can, so that I don’t have to deal with a crash popup from the game.

I would love to see this implemented.

There is a quit app button on the HTC Vive? I didn’t know this.

It’s at the bottom left of the steam menu next to the button where you shut off your headset. For me its a blank circle.

it’s VR thankfully alt-F4 works on it

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