"Exotic" weapon transmogs

I don’t know about you, but I’ve started to get kind of tired of using the exact same weapon for my preferred classes, so I have an idea: exotic transmogs!

When I say “exotic” I mean by a transmog for a weapon that would change the weapon to a different one that keeps the same essence of the weapon, but it isn’t that weapon.

Don’t understand? I don’t either, so let me think of a couple examples… Oh!

For example, giving the warrior a transmog that would turn their sword into a flanged mace! The paladin could get a halberd! The musketeer? An actual musket. The bard? Change it from a xylophone into a miniature piano, and force the player’s hand to only point out their fingers!

Now, not every class needs to get one. Some would be nearly impossible, as some weapons are too specific for bending the rules like this. (looking at you, ranger!)

That’s about it, really.


Ranger gets a sling shot , wood Y with pink rubber band

Put these “Exotic” transmogs behind a paywall be it $ or Dram … (idk like 150k ) or $4

Allow these Weapon Transmogs to be Dyed

Dont want orange wood and bubblegum yellow slingshot ?
no problem … we can edgelord that up for you.

Also Please Allow me to change my orange wood handles of everything to the color of road signs
a nice Dark brown … like wood.


The bard actually uses a marimba, so if they changed it to a Xylophone it’d be in-line with what you are saying :slight_smile:

I can’t lie tho… I kinda like the piano idea…

How about a wand that looks like a magenta crayon, shaman orbs that look like food or balls from popular sports, an atlatl & spear in place of a rangers bow… maybe a Scoundrel Deagle…

That’d be stuff worth going after…

The bard actually uses a marimba

I did not know that. huh…

Scoundrel Deagle

Bottom text


From the Dev Spotlight introducing the Bard:
“The core mechanic of the class is playing an instrument, which is based around the marimba. This is a percussion instrument with a pleasing tone.”

Deagle is short for Desert Eagle which is an iconic and highly recognizable firearm.

Some of my ideas would probably require new mechanics but…

For Bard, I personally would love to see some different instrument (and music) options.

Give us some custom music we can play to, even if DLC! (Sort of like how beat saber has music pack DLCs). Could you imagine rocking out to real metal music on a piccolo?

Maybe give us some drums as a transmog.
Or perhaps someone wants to play a flute transmog (though you’d probably need hand tracking for that one).
Bagpipes? … anyone? No. Okay then…
Maybe a Cello or a Harp?

Ranger could get crossbows and foam [nerf] darts, slingshots… Maybe a toy bow that fires suction cups.
Warrior could get a long ruler.
Maybe give Paladin a toilet plunger (or warrior could get the plunger and paladin could get the ruler)
Give the Runemage a chalkboard and some chalk.
Shamans could also maybe get a golf club or croquet mallet to knock their orbs around.
Give scoundrels/musketeers a laser gun and the other one could get a paintball gun

I would so pay for a shader like the new legendaries or just being able to dye a weapon.


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