EXP Sharing needs to be balanced

EXP in a party is very unbalanced, as a mage I seem to get a lot of exp because of my dps output but then the healer does not get much. In a group I think the exp should be even split between the group. Healer main job is to heal us and should not worry about doing dps to get more exp.

Sure it has come up already but just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

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I thought its supposed to split XP evenly if you are the same level and you are both doing something to be on the enemy aggro table.

If you are NOT in party it will distribute accordingly to damage. Are you sure you are in the same party and are the same level to tell?


In a party where everyone is the same level everyone gets the same exp if they are even barely on the threat table, and at different levels it is still split percentage wise but each will get different based on how much higher the mob is from you

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I guess I do not party that much lol

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