Welp im bored so time to shitpost!!!
The team is lacking an artist the game is dying and vets don’t have anything to really do anymore.
Reworking older fights to be the hardest they could be would allow vets to do somthing with the short life the game has left.
ideas for mechanics (just reusing what has already been made)
(just take these mechanics and add then to the existing hardmode fights)
Double shards: add 2 shards 4 players per shard and 8 clears instead of all 10 players in the raid
Chains: add boss 2 chains to prevent the stack up method
Frost burn: essentially a dot that you get from cleansing a shard light to cleanse you have to have 2 frost stacks
Double strike: Double tankbuster with 3.5 seconds in between forcing more tank cordination.
enrage:if all 8 cleanses arent used boss enrages.
Boss 2 (not even gonna try to spell off of memory):
There isnt much to do with this fight as its broken nature but maybe raise hp
boss 3:
add a tankbuster
falling suns that require a light party split
Every time a sun is killed by a sunshooter it gives a debuff the only way to cleanse the debuff is spawning a group of adds by missing a sun
New bomb type: Simmilar to the bomb that’s already in boss 3 make a bomb color that is easily diffreintaited from the one from hardmode, and have it explode on a timer that leaves a boss 2 aoe on the floor until the end of the fight
very angy stephoteph:
Keep portal orb damage the same
Require 2 tanks with a “double strike tankbuster”
5 red circles
Require all party members to be in boss combat
Every time a circle drop cycle happens every player in the raid gets a stack having 2 will instantally kill you, to get rid of them you have to soak a circle with your partner. (this gives heavy healer responsibility to heal inbetween soaks)
Lower hp of adds to compensate only 5 people being in add group (losing one dps from add group)
Lower damage of red circle so you can have a partner stack to open red hell
Red hell add a red aberration
Opening green will mostly stay the same except you have to juggle the responsibility of managing your red circle stacks
Green hell add a yellow aberration
Blue hell once the boss reaches its blue hell shield it shoots an orb at every member in the raid all of these must be either soaked or shot down in a 5 second window
Keep blue hell enemies the same just raise hp
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