Explore the Realm Event and Summer Festival Patch 6/23/20

Old Orbus Forever!

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I actually disagree with that, I believe there is more mob attack variation. sure there are less unique models for enemies but they are more unique in terms of mechanics.

now the raid bosses in old orbus were awesome.
but with a new raid and abberations coming, imo orbus is surpassing old orbus right now

plus the new monsters they just added are probably cooler than 90% of the mobs in the old ones

mobs in old orbus were all just reskins

(i miss it do bud, but it will always be in our hearts!)

The old mobs had less interesting attacks visually and within the virtual space, for most mobs, but the paired world/spawn felt more diverse. Despite it having just mostly “box” attacks the patterns were different and had varying deadliness. There were a handful of unique attacks though that I don’t think even exist in reborn. Marrying the two would be ideal.


oh yeah i forgot about the unique elites its in old game that had special aoes and attacks

this game could use a little of that spice, didnt they have a unique elite for almost every area?

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That’s my only complaint, why is there no special loottable, at least an existing dye could drop or anything outta the regular drops (NOT black which is fairly hard to come-by and would render these worthless, but perhaps some grey, blue or so??).
Like it was with snowmen dropping the snow dye in the Winter event.

There is no reason to kill those mobs, if they are neither part of a quest nor having special drops.


Hey there. I see you’re new here. Welcome to the game!

Regarding the mobs,

“With regards to mob variety, the original overworld had a lot of different “skins” of monsters that all behaved the exact same way. Essentially - run forward and hit you in the face, with no difference whether it was a wolf or a bandit.

When we made Reborn, we wanted to spend more time fleshing out monsters to actually have different mechanics and feel different to fight instead of having a large of number of different looking ones that were effectively the same mob. That’s why now there are fewer appearances but a much bigger diversity in terms of mob behavior. From casters to gunners, to melees with different AoEs to dodge, mobs shielding each other or healing, etc. However, that also means that a lot more time must be spent on each monster type.” -Matthieu (Why does so much look the same? What happened to all the variety of OG Orbus?)

However, players complained everything looked the same, so the devs were really cool and listened and put in reskinned enemies, just like we asked!

Preborn was cool, which I’m sure you’ve seen from YouTube videos and what not, but trust me, it was nowhere near the level of Reborn :slight_smile:


I think the new island is going to cover that. I hope :slight_smile:


what percent are we at and how many points do we have

The current theory is that we’re around 1% so far. You can check the other thread (Hold me i'm scared) for more info about what players have been able to find.


With the first week of the Explore the Realm coming to an end, we are going to be lowering the point total for the server wide goal based upon the data from the first week of the event. When the event started the goal was set to 150 million, with the player base earning 897,770 as of this post, we are going to be lowering that server wide goal to 36 million. In addition to that we will be “un-capping” the 2k a week personal points cap later in the event (in August or September) to allow those players that are wanting to earn more points towards the total to do so.

We are also going to be adding in an additional pop up for the ETR event to ensure that the widest amount of players on the server know about the event, and how to participate, and can contribute to the server wide goal.


The Server wide Goal progress bar has been updated to reflect the new 36 million point goal.


Can we get the progress bar on the board next to the player house as well?


Can we also get some actual numbers displayed too? It’s not very informative atm, idk why you guys hate showing numbers so much but it happens all the time :confused:


Any update on when these might get added to Darius missions? would be nice to have these as a part of the rotation

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I would like to see the undead congregating around Tombs and Graveyards and hiding from the sun in caves. That cool grave yard by the waterfall is asking for some shambling corpses surrounding it … especially if non hostile. Have the undead aid anyone with res sickness … let me summon the crypt skeletons as my mage ultimate ( have them stick around until killed) … Collect skulls for my throne … /looks off into the distance.

great idea!

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you do realize graveyards are respawn-points and getting lots of enemies there is a bad idea.

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He’s not talking about enemies though…? The post is about non-aggressive ghosts that aid players :slight_smile:

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Anyone saying you have to overcrowd it? There are different monsters around so they could be exchanged for undeads near graveyards… / the Tombs and Caves sounds great! Having Undeads in Sorrows cave seems like a much better idea then leaving them randomly around the map!

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The newly dead are no enemy to the undead.
We reanimate thru stored magical energy much like them. They aid their fellows in death.

We are but undead who have yet to find a master.

It would also aid to deter graveyard camping , or at least make it more difficult.
(Sometimes by mobs , sometimes by players)