How do you warriors feel about charging up your ultimate? I find it very slow. What about it’s usefulness? I haven’t had an actual use for my ultimate yet but it may change at lvl 20
I’m personally finding it hard to keep leveling as a warrior because of the amount of energy i have to exert lol. I don’t know how you guys do it. I think it’s mostly because of the repetitiveness of our fighting style. I’d like to hear from anyone who doesn’t hurt pretty badly after playing for hours. Which is cool, i’m just not sure it’s worth the quality of our gameplay. I’m playing as a dps warrior, Is anyone else? I find that being a tank is a lot easier. all i do is have my big shield up, charge intercept mobs, stun and use my horn… I don’t even swing half the time (i’m not max lvl)
I am eagerly awaiting a talent system and I really hope the devs want our input on ideas for it!
I love playing warrior. My body has built up the arm strength and cardio to play for hours without any soreness. Haven’t tested the ult charge changes yet. I enjoy dps solo but prefer group tanking. At high levels with large amounts of enemies combat is a lot more interesting and challenging.
I leveled as a warrior almost to 8 over the weekend (I main a Rune Mage, have been since beta) – was mostly solo’ing, sometime as a duo with my Rune Mage friend. I stayed with the round shield for max DPS as I prefer to be DPSer than a true tank.
I enjoyed it and will continue to play as a warrior in my “free” time, but I’m going to keep main’ing as a Rune Mage.
(Rune Mage has a more versatile kit and ranged DPS in groups I always find easier to play).
Yes my arm and shoulder were killing me up until today because I swing long, hard, and fast. No complaints there, I wouldn’t have it any other way! \o/
My only significant “complaint” about the warrior is that slashing at mobs doesn’t give me any significant sense of actually hitting them. So it’s not satisfying to me when attacking.
The mobs aren’t animated with pain animations so they don’t visually react to my hits; the impact sound isn’t “juicy”; there’s no blood/juices splurting out on hits, which may be a design choice and of course that’s fine artistically; and overall there’s almost no visual indication of the sword making contact. A red slash decal, even not applied wrapped on a mob’s model but just flat in 2-D in front (in a very anime style) would go a long way, IMHO.
Pvp hasn’t been fully balanced yet, however it is being balanced for group play. Not 1v1. Each class has a role in the party and through utilizing them you can do some really cool stuff. FYI after testing warrior dps in the wilds pvp. . . We hit like trucks. It’s awesome
-hamgstring and cleave arent too useful
-upward swings still get janky at times which makes using cleave pointless
-provoke is too hard to use when the mob is already on its way to another player
-shield is a bit too bright
-tanking on world bosses and abbs require almost no real tanking/blocking since i can use dps shield for worm/abbs
i like the idea of monsters being more animated when hit
Also I feel like a huge thing is missing from the Warrior’s kit:
A metallic "shink" sound when drawing the sword, and a complimentary metallic “shonk” sound when sheathing it!
Drawing/sheathing the sword silently reinforces that it’s not really there in your hand, it’s just an ephemeral, virtual toy.
I personally have no interest in immersion improvements, so the sword sheathing sound effects don’t compel me for that reason, but audio cues can be very helpful, such as the ones when dropping loot into our backpacks, so I think subtle sheathing sounds would be okay, maybe even great.
Ha! I play Orbus because it’s a good game, and favor VR to PC because it’s not sedentary. My enjoyment comes from game analysis, improving skills and socializing. To each their own
I like the idea of warrior but why 2 shields? I think you should give warriors the ability to tank, and the ability to dual wield swords to go true dps. Also, taunting through a sword combo is weird, it should be a self aoe ability, like smashing the sword against your shield or something. Also, not a fan of the blue shield, I think they should give it a regular shield type skin made of wood and metal or something.
Yes my spouse is having a huge problem with this. He uses sword in right hand, and the upswings barely ever register. I was watching him play and he is swinging up just fine (maybe not always perfectly up and down but come on the game should register a normal human upswring and not a robotic one).
I totally agree. I think the warrior needs reworking, they should perhaps hire some consultants who play warriors in other MMOs because the class is pretty bad at the moment. Once the novelty wears off the flaws are apparent.
Upswings are very forgiving when it comes to angle. I do cleave with the ups in an X shape. Make sure you have a large enough distance between you and the target or the upswings will register as horizontal.
Upswings are fine on normal sized humanoid targets. Short creatures such as spiders, wargs, sandworms, cactus, are where it starts to become “janky.” Granted this may be alleviated for shorter people or people who play sitting down as it lowers their view closer to the target.
That combo does work however it has a long cooldown and doesn’t always work. Plenty of mobs have strange/unique hit boxes and performing said combo can be extremely difficult when trying to provoke from the side. The lizard boss and T-rex bosses in the Rainforest dungeon are examples of this. Trying to perform a provoke from the side of a boss that size is an act of futility just trying to get the vertical strike to actually register as vertical.
Whenever I was leveling up my warrior class, i never had an issue with swinging up, the catch is, you have to swing your arm around without hitting him after the first move in order for it to register, since cleave is the only skill out of the warrior skills that i mainly use.
I think it would be dope as hell if we had a large number of combos where we could practice at the target dummy for much longer to get them down. Some longer combos would be cool too. I can imagine a group of warriors teaching combos and practicing next to eachother just like the runemages do.
i’m not sure how i’d like it but i’m down to try out different angles for swings like maybe diagonals and make upswing pretty straight so you have to practice technique more. although everybody’s arm would probably hurt way too much lol.
I also think the mobs could use a bit of know back. I beleive this would mess up all the classes and would require more teamwork and coordination and skill on everyone’s part. Imagine if i swing to the left if the monster went ever so slightly to the left too. and f i swing up it kinda goes off the ground a bit for like a second. all the archers runemages and gunners would have to actually aim and readjust during combat and it would solve the issue some people have with the enemies lacking visual feedback from our swings.
this last idea i just thought of and probably isn’t the best but i would be interested to see what it is like if we stored and charged up power for our swords while in combat and not swinging/dealing damage. it could work like charges shot where you hold the weapon for a bit then release. or it could work like a static buff to your damage the longer the interval between swings so you can try different ways of fighting. You could just swing not that often but often enough to benefit from full charges and getting the next charge rolling, or one could perform most of their combo and then wait for a full charge before unleashing the final swing to the combo.
and something that every class could benefit from but especially the warrior visually, that is… i would love to see enchanting introduced into the game one day. imagine being able to control some of the stats on your gear? gathering materials such as shards and other materials or whatever. perhaps it has a mini game associated with it or it can be a runemage only thing like the diablo buff paladins used to enchant people’s weapons for gold. I would love to eventually see people running around with different enchants and glowy weapon’s I think being able to align your character with some type of element would be dope. like just being a frost warrior or a fire warrior or a straight damage warrior who attacks super slow but hard, or one who attacks super quickly but lighter, or a bleed warrior etc. That could be from the colors we could dye our gear and our enchants. complete blue dyed set of gear and a sword and shield that appear icey and drop trails of snow. Would be added bonus if that wasn’t just cosmetic like if your direct damage goes down 10% and your frost damage goes up 10% or something. that could maybe allow for some pretty cool ideas for future spells/combos and talent systems.