Not exactly sure what’s going on with my fellowship chat, but it’s been kinda irritating Im not sure what I was doing when I had this problem start, but it started four days ago, and hasn’t fixed itself since, even after server restarts. No matter who talks in fellowship chat, their voice seems to slow down and sounds like a robot. Not sure what I should do to try and fix it, and validating my game files on steam came up with nothing. Ideas on how to fix it?
Only fellowship chat and not regular chat?
I think some sort of radio like sound interference is intended so you can tell that it’s not normal chat, but that slowdown seems really weird. Do you have a video of it happening maybe?
Just fellowship chat. Even party chat works fine, so I don’t really know what to do… No video currently.
That’s very strange, since the party and fellowship chat runs on the exact same system.
If you are able to record it somehow I would be interested to hear it…maybe something else weird is going on.
Any ideas Riley? It’s still happening
With no context that seems like a bandwidth related issue (most likely on your end)
Sorry, I was out of town this weekend so just now looking at this.
It could be a bandwidth issue, but if that were the case I would expect all voice chat to sound like that, not just party/fellowship chat…
I noticed your Spells aren’t making any sounds so I assume you have different sound level settings that the default? Can you take a screenshot of what they are? Maybe it has something to do with that…
Also just to be sure is it always happening with all Fellowship members or just certain ones?
No worries
That’s what I figured, which is also why I couldn’t solve the issue on my own xD
Yes I do, here.
All fellowship members have this issue for me. Their conversations overlap one another because the transmission is slower on my end, so someone could start talking, and then someone else will start talking in response even though the first person hasn’t stopped talking/asking their question. It’s pretty fun to try and decipher, but distracting as well xD
I normally have fellowship off because it gets really bad, but this is what it’s at when I want it on.
So how come in the video your spells weren’t making any sound at all? I would have thought that meant your SFX volume was all the way down. Or was it just really really quiet?
I’m pretty sure they were there, but I can’t be certain. They were probably just really quiet cuz half of them annoy the snot out of me when I just hold them
yeah if you turn up the volume a little more you can hear the spell sounds in the video, they’re just fainter than normal.
Not sure if this helps but I can replicate this Behavior pretty easily. For me, it always happens when one of the cables gets unplugged from the breakout box. What I’ve noticed, is that causes the audio or microphone or both to switch to a different setting in steamvr. Orbus does not elegantly recover, meaning I have to close and reopen the program after fixing the audio and microphone settings for it to work right. All that being said, I have also had it after merely putting my headset down and going AFK without the cables being unplugged. In that instance, I don’t recall whether the audio or mic got reset as it does when it gets unplugged.
Because you’re speaking of a hardware issue, wouldn’t it happen with all sound though, not just fellowship chat?
That’s the kicker from this whole situation… it’s not the compass chat system as a whole, not the entire chat system as a whole, but just fellowship chat. It’s quite irritating…
Sorry should’ve been clear. In my case it affects all orbus sounds. But doesn’t affect windows.
@Riley_D This issue still hasn’t fixed itself and makes communicating with my fellowship really difficult in game without messaging. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have validated files, uninstalled and reinstalled on HDD, uninstalled and reinstalled onto SSD this time, and nothing has fixed it.
I’m really not sure. What are the specs on your computer again? I probably should have asked that in the first place.
i7-6700k water cooled
Asus maximus Viii Hero
32gb ddr4 @ 2400
Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080Ti
Running orbus from my Samsung 850 Pro 256GB
HTC Vive
Yeah that’s really weird, clearly you shouldn’t be having any issues with that.
I will do some more investigating but really at this point I’m not really sure I have any leads.