Fellowship hall suggestions

I know the hall has some stuff comming soon but I’ve been thinking of a few things I’d like to see. I know some are out there but I think they all have some merit. Tell me what you think of you have any other ideas.

  1. Player room. It works just like a house. Same cost. A door in the hall that leads to your house. An ideal version would be a second option for a tp option to the hall and to have all the crafting tables purchasable for the hall with instanced and or shared chests.

  2. Bill board. This one I feel would be easy and have alot of uses. Just a text box that turns into a billboard. Schedule stuff, list new recruits, guild rules really anything. Of all my suggestions this is the one I’d like to see most.

  3. Portals. They could be high cost the buy for the hall and or even take a regent to activate for 10 seconds.

  4. Armorer.
    A hired npc’s to sell and repair with.

  5. Wall mounted maps. Same as in the book but you could draw or put symbols on them.

Thanks for your time from Orednod the wandering gleeman


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