Few bugs I noticed

1-3) Desert dungeon
4) Highsteppe

  1. These bodies were left here for the entire time we were in the dungeon after we killed them, not sure if the despawn timer broke or something of the sort.

  2. Shortly after that, I had to relog because spells weren’t traveling, logged back in, and my party members looked as such. Everybody’s name was 0 and some had health some did not. Could not hear anyone without them using party chat.

  3. I died shortly after we entered the next room with the ghouls because I lost sync with my character on the servers and spells weren’t working. I clicked reawaken, and nothing happened. I lost the popup in order to reawaken, so I had to relog. After relog, 2/3 of my teammates were back to normal until the third died and came back, then he was fixed.

  4. Floating reedflute outside of highsteppe :stuck_out_tongue:


Aelar :slight_smile:

I’ve made a note of these issues. Thanks for reporting!

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So here’s what happened…

Started the game in Order of the Rune.
I got accepted into Eternal Knights, they sent me an invite to the fellowship.
I accepted the invite. Note, did not leave Order of the Rune before.
Come back 16 hours later or so (when I was doing the desert dungeon of all things), the fellowship button isn’t showing up, I apparently did not have a fellowship tag, and the tag/button didn’t show up for another 12 hours or so.
Log back in today, and my fellowship status keeps popping on and off, and the fellowship button does the same. I enter the guild hall, and a couple minutes later, this guy shows up and I am just confused as heck.
I exit the building after chatting with him for a while, click leave fellowship once the button came back, and I was still in the fellowship, could still hear everybody in the fellowship chatting, but they could not hear me through the fellowship chat on the compass.
I find my fellowship leader later on, he throws me an invite, I leave it again in hopes to reset everything, it worked, then he threw me another invite, and everything has been fixed ever since.

That was a lot. goodness…

Once more, thanks!

Aelar :slight_smile:

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