Fish not reeling in randomly

I’ll grab footage today.

Ok, so… I’ve got no leads :frowning:

All I know is that I can reel in fish no problem. Trust me when I say I’m not just reeling slowly. Sometimes though… oh boy… the fish will actually outrun the fastest rate I can physically reel in. And I go hardcore ham on those little buggers. I don’t know why it happens, it seems random.

Here’s what I know so far:

  • the fish isn’t making its moves faster, it’s moving every half a second (or whatever the normal interval is). Its just moving twice to three times as far every time it moves.
  • It happens randomly as far as I can tell
  • I only fish at the like by the spawn area that you can see on the starting map so I only know of it happening there with fish and tongue lure. I don’t know about others
  • It only lasts for a few seconds before returning to normal (also it seems to “scale” down in its speed. The big doesn’t seem to just stop but instead slowly start returning to normal)
  • It only happens when I hook the fish, not when I’m partway reeling him in
  • It’s quite rare (maybe once every 15-25 fish)
  • I’m reeling in just as fast as I normally do. I know this because I can see the lure coming in between the fishes moves.

Things I’ll investigate when I’m home:
Grabbing footage
Trying different fish/lures and lakes

This happens to me as well, but only happens in kingsport lake and the guild city lake.

What kind of fish are you catching?

Are you on Ultra graphics? There is a bug going on right now where reeling is much tougher. We’re tracking it down.

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No, I was running it on low.

No I’m on Low graphics

Jinx omg perfect sync xD

Following up on this, how often do you guys run into this issue? I’ve burned through 4 lures so far on low graphics and haven’t encountered it. There are definitely instances where an exceptionally fiesty fish will jump further out multiple times in a row, but never so frequently that I am totally unable to reel it in. It just slows the process down.

Every 15-25 fish is my guess. Not too often, but often enough that it’s annoying :confused:

This happens to me maybe once every 2 lures. Its not running away faster than it can be reeled in, but it runs away a lot faster than all the other fish.

I thought this was some sort of normal variance on how might fight a fish puts up.

Though on a separate issue, one time this fish just kept swimming away from me repeatedly and I realized basically I was reeling it away from myself. Logging out fixed that though.

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