Fishing bugged can't reel

Can’t reel in. When I use my other hand to reel in either nothing happens or my mount deploys. But line does nothing. Can’t complete fishing quest cause I can’t reel in fish

Also like to add fishing worked fine on last beta. Also rod won’t stick to my hand which isn’t a very big deal but the reeling not working is.

I’ll double-check but I think this is related to the Bard bug.

You have to grab the pole and then hold your hand very very still for at least a second. It still isn’t perfect, but it helps…

Thanks I will retry this after I download the new patch

I actually forgot to double-check, but yeah if it’s not fixed let me know and I’ll put someone on it tomorrow, sorry for the trouble!

Still not working can’t reel.

Fishing is completely broken, reeling not possible, I do events now instead of it because I really run out of solo quests…

Another issue, in all the time while leveling to 17 I got only a handful fishing mats, 10+ eyes and tongues, that’s barely enough for 2-3 fishing sessions (potions). And only 3 feathers, not one blue scales or tooth which we supposedly need for even the lowest fishing quests. This is way less than in the original game where you had access to a variety of fishing mats very soon.
The drop rate might not have changed but there is no longer running around and happily oneshooting mobs in seconds, even the green around HS, depending on classes, take a while so I think they should drop more than this.

I agree or at least put some in the chest we get for leveling and quest.

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Not related to reeling, but is a fishing bug. This is only possible if you’re using the sticky hand thing to hold tools without using the grip buttons. If you try to unequip the fishing pole the old way (putting it behind your back), it will still show the line, plus whatever weapon you accidentally equipped. Putting the weapon away fixes the bug.

Other little bug: If you equip the fishing rod to the left-handed slot, it doesn’t chop the tip off when on the toolbelt:

It also doesn’t have a fishing line or lure when held:

On a positive note, the reel finally mirrors itself like it should for left-handed use!

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Found a new bug: you still get 40 experience points per fish, though it appears to be slightly sporadic, based on my log…

Oh that’s funny haha. We’ll get that fixed.

Is the fishing working for you now though?

Seems to be working otherwise! I’ve only had one instance of the line reeling all the way in and then disappearing and the lure not reappearing. Can’t link it to anything specific and it hasn’t happened since. I’ve had this happen occasionally in vanilla Orbus as well. Maybe 1 cast out of a hundred or so?

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