I made a clip from my stream today showing an issue I’m having. Basically as soon as I hit the flower fields, the flowers rendering in has a huge impact on stream quality. You can notice it most clearly by watching the sky. I don’t see anything from my end (not in headset, and not in OBS, no dropped frames, no quality issues, etc), it’s only what my viewers see. So, at some point during the encoding or transmission, the flower fields are having a huge impact on things. My only guess is that the flowers are very CPU intensive and given that the encoding is cpu based, it’s causing a hit on quality. My viewers don’t see anything else during the rest of my stream, just in the flower fields.
You can check the full video here to see more of it. This clip starts at about 1:17:30 in the stream.
I don’t know if there is an easy fix for this, but I do know that it’s the only area in the game that has had this kind of impact, so it’s certainly not normal.
Another possible explanation is that, much like confetti or snow, many small effects are simply much harder to compress and stream.
Tom Scott’s video on this:
The only real solution would be to turn off the flowery grass, which I don’t think is currently possible. (Low settings stop grass rendering in some places, but not everywhere)
Excellent video, I had not seen that one before. The thought had definitely crossed my mind, but what made me question that is that nothing else in the game seems to effect it. If that was the case, a bunch of runemages casting fireworks back to back would mess with it as well, and as far as I know, that hasn’t happened. At the end of the day, it is something to do with the encoding or transmission, I just can’t figure out what. You would think with it being an isolated and repeatable thing that it would be easier to solve it lol