For Fun: Coin a new phrase

Been thinking lately as I wander the lands, and I see twisted decapitated heads floating against a torso, and dismembered hands spread out and laying on the ground… that perhaps saying ‘AFK’ is not an appropriate term here. After all, we’re not on keyboards anymore. :smiley:
So my challenge, should anyone be interested, lets see if we can coin a new term that is more appropriate? Or is there one already from other VR games to indicate that a player has temporarily parted ways from their headset.
Could saying someone is having an “Out of Body” moment work? Their spirit has gone for a wander leaving this bloodless corpse behind.

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They’ve temporarily LTH Lost Their Head. Haa get it? because the headset is their head. Man I’m hilarious!


If someone is afk in orbus he’s a unicorn, everyone knows it.

lol, that’s awesome Logan :smiley:

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LTB Left the building
KO Knocked out
CFZ Catching a few Z’s
LH Lifeless Husk
LTL Living Thier Life

I like LTB and LTL haha

~ :robot::heart:

Well… since they’ve taken the HMD off they’re not currently in VR - they are In Real Life
So if you’re “AFK” from VR you’re actually IRL!


nah its AFHMD : away from head mounted display

All awesome suggestions, I think one of my faves is LTB, though I might describe it as Left The Body :smiley:

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Not about afkers but.

I’m the boogie down cowboy Yo. :cowboy_hat_face:

Well the one person I saw had his necked snapped back at a 45 degree angle so brokeneck I think it should be called.


You could say they are “out of this world”. Because, you know, they’re not in the virtual world anymore.


Sometimes I’ll say I’ll be in meatspace for a while if I need to jump out of VR.


Adding cyberpunk flavour to VR is the proper way. :wink:

I like to call it “Story Time”

cuz when they AFK I huddle up next to them and listen to their wives scream at them to take the trash to the garage or listen to all the strange cutesy names they have for their partners and pets. Much entertainement to be had!

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I really like yours why not GSN “gone and snapped neck”


I’m in the minority without a wacky suggestion but someone said AFH “away from headset”.

Gotta say after having read all of the responses however many days later. I think “Meatspace” is the clear winner. “Cya later guys going into Meatspace!”

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AFH for away from headset.

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This guy gets it. :wink:

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