Forum Suggestions

I have a few suggestions to help “improve” the forums a bit.

Dark Theme: The Orbusvr logo on the top left isn’t transparent background so the white on it kinda sticks out like a sore thumb? Making it transparent would give it a nice transition.


Indictator for What vr you’re using.
A lot of issues with the game can be dependent on which vr headset you’re using and people can also experience things differently with different vr headsets. I think an indicator for which vr headset you’re using can help a lot for people to be able to understand where other people are coming from! (changable in settings option?)

Oculus indicator:

Oculus indicator in forum chat:

Vive indicator:

Vive indicator in forum chat:

Of course you can add the words Quest/ Rift S or whatever as well!


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