Gripping Item from body

I’m having difficulty using any of the items from my belt, the controller won’t let me grip anything off it, any advice, and trying to just pick the mushrooms in the beginning of the game, I have tried all buttons and am using a Vive Pro starter kit.

I often have issues grabbing items from the belt when I am too close to the sensors or sitting down. In my case, this is because they doesn’t see the lower half of my body very well, as I have them high up. I would try to make sure you’re firmly within the play area.

To pick up the mushrooms, you will need to equip the Harvester (looks like a pickaxe, and is probably one of the items you have had issue picking up from your belt). It isn’t intuitive to mine some materials, such as the mushrooms, but it has been brought up before, so there’s a chance it will get addressed when the bug count and other issues get resolved, since this is technically working as intended.

Thanks mate, that helped a lot.

but how do you mine those mushrooms? i tried the game first time today but multiple people were standing there, hitting the mushrooms (myself including) but nothing happens

when hit, a little smoke indicator shows that something is happening but i cant get any mushrooms

Sorry about that, there was a bug, they should be harvestable with the tool again.

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