Guide to fish and lures please

Can anyone please tell me where I find each and every fish, and what lures attract what fish? So I can use this information as a guide for my fishing adventures.


This was made before reborn and is completely useless nowadays.

It’s 100% up to date actually and updated repeatedly, which you can see in the thread itself…

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a timeline is available on the right hand side of all threads image

I’m on mobile.

Whatever you’re welcome lol


It has every fish in the game, their locations, the lures, and the legendary fish pattern & requirements

It doesn’t even have anything to do with what I want. I just wanna know what lures attract what, and what area do I find certain fish.

Hover a fish to see the lure/requirements

Bro you are extremely, extremely, extremely entitled and rude.

[for explanation above, he deleted all his posts, ex: “Thanks for literally nothing.” all caps “JACKASSES LIKE YOU WHO WASTE MY TIME.” Won’t take my word & proof it has what he wants, and “I can’t be bothered to read a 160 message thread” (despite not having to do that), etc.]


That’s not in orbus vr reborn.

That is the orbus VR reborn map & it has everything in there you want. The updated thread itself just posts updates, I told you it had what you wanted. You instead get angry at the person helping you

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I literally have no clue what you sent me.

No wait now I understand what I am looking at. OOOOHHHHHH…

Welp, ummm… sorry.

Nevermind on the knowing what I’m looking at part. I can’t see it. It’s too pixelated.

Can someone please just TELL ME? Not any fancy pictures and shit. Just in plain text, tell me.

Why the fuck am I doing this at 1 AM?

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