Guild City Casino

There are several staircases around town leading nowhere. It would be great if there was a casino up one of those stairs. I am thinking Craps, Blackjack and Roulette for starters. All three games are VR-compatible. There is even a really good Craps VR game already in the Steam store. Anyway, this is likely not a high priority but it would be a huge draw and a blast for social interaction.

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I think there’s a lot of regulations around gambling in video games, sadly, so this would most likely not be feasible but definitely a good idea for some social draw.

I disagree. You can have gambling in games. You are thinking of an entirely different issue. Otherwise you would not see any casino games on every gaming platform, from Xbox to PS to PC. You would need to avoid certain issues or maybe even modify the type of games but not feasible? Not so.

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cards against humanity

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I think it’s related to gambling with real money. Gambling with your fake money is just fine.


Having them lead somewhere would be nice, even if it was an empty house.

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i dont think there would be a problem as long as ur not betting real moneys

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