I don’t remember what they’re called, but they’re the bipedal green kappa-like enemies you can find right past the first little village. Is it just me, or are they a bit crazy? Not that they do much damage, but…their ability to almost instantly remove any debuff and very quickly cast a VERY strong HoT with an insane tick rate makes them nigh un-killable without a party. As a level 8 Ranger, with decent equipment from a dungeon, I just can’t seem to out-damage their healing abilities.
Does anyone else have these issues, or is it just me?
I started trying them at level 7 as a warrior and had no problem beating them down, but couldn’t outlast their heal. At level 9, I’m still having that problem.
It took me (at level 8) plus a musketeer to take them down. And when there are two, it was an impossible task.
Wait for his attack then do your wound combo. Quickly stun then spam wound. That way you can kill the ones the same level as you atleast. But one miss and you have to let him regain Full health, let his HOT pass and then start over.