How Do I Delete My Account?

Hello, I hope everyone is having a great blessed day!

I was wondering is there a way for me to delete my account and all my personal info attached to it?

Since I don’t see a contact us thing on and so this is the only place I feel where I can hopefully talk to someone to see if they know how.

Also, I don’t mean a character in the game but my actual account I use to login into

So If anyone could help me with that I would appreciate that.

Thank you for the time, help, and consideration ahead of time if you can help me.

Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless

Did you send an email to the email address that was provided to you in your previous post about this?

No can you please send and show me that email.

Sorry I also could not find my previous post since it said I logged out and then to log back in it sent me another email. So I think maybe my other account got deleted and then so now I am using this I believe new account. Also, I did not even see my other post and I looked for it as well so I don’t know.

If you could please send me that email though that would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for the time, help, and consideration ahead of time if you can help me.

Regardless wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life once more! GOD bless

I believe their email is [email protected]

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Perhaps they deleted your first account as requested, and that is why you had to set up a new account? :thinking:

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But I was still logged in to the website though at

So I guess my account wasn’t deleted maybe just this forum thing I want not only my account here but my account there and any and all of my personal info deleted as well.

Sorry for the late reply thank you very much and wish you all the best and have a great blessed day and life! GOD bless

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