How to get access to alpha/beta after supporting on kickstarter

I backed you guys on the kickstarter, and since i am relativly new to it i was wondering if u can tell me how to make sure i have access to the closed alphas/betas in the future,


One of the Devs gave the following answer:


After the campaign is over it gives me a list of everyone (their name and their email) and what level they backed at. I will be able to send out a survey as well that asks for your OrbusVR account’s email address. Then I write some code that will match that up to your OrbusVR account to give you your rewards (e.g. activate your account for the closed Alpha, assign you the proper forum badge, etc.) If for some reason that process doesn’t work for you then of course we can fix it manually.

The first Closed Alpha test will be in April, I don’t know the exact date yet but right now we are thinking during the week of April 20th. The badges will be assigned on the forums before the testing starts.



You should receive a question from Kickstarter if you didn’t yet. You have to provide the email associated to your forum account.

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hey, has anyone gotten the email from orbus that confirms that your account is linked with your kickstarter rewards yet?

My survey link came from on the 14th. Try to search your inbox for that email address.

ya, i did the survey and put in my email, and got the email from kickstarter saying that my survey was submitted, but i was wondering if anyone had gotten an email saying that their rewards were confirmed.

I heard from Riley that everything is getting linked sometime next week