In-game login difficulty

I purchased OrbusVR through Steam yesterday and the first thing the game wanted me to do was log in to my OrbusVR account (I had one from an open beta months ago). I had several difficulties with the login process.

  1. It is extremely inconvenient to log in from within VR. I’ve been using a password manager for years so my password is very long and I don’t know it.

  2. You can’t use both hands/fingers to type on the in-game keyboard unless you release the trigger between each keypress.

  3. After typing in my email address, I touched the password field without pressing enter on the keyboard first. This apparently shifted focus to the password field without committing my email address to the email field. I had to go back and type it again, then press the enter key.

It would be great if the login process could take place outside of VR. This is one of the first things a new player sees and it should not be this painful.

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