Inflamed Sephotep and Hard Mode Problems

Case in point, every time someone brings up wanting to try the burn method, they get told “the team doesn’t know how”. I can only assume this translates to: “the team isn’t good enough” since learning a strategy shouldn’t be a roadblock to anything. We’re gamers ffs. So the expedient method of killing the boss is reserved for only the highest DPS mages and a single tank.

Honestly, if you hadn’t given me your +7 hammer that dropped, I’d still be lootless after a year and a half of killing him. As it is, I haven’t even got the pet - nothing. It makes the game pointless, so I’ve mostly moved on.


Just throwing my two cents in, but hard mode citadel was basically the reason that I quit orbus for good. I was down for a new raid on release, had fun during the beta, and then realized what a shitshow of sloppy design and bugs this raid was. We went months without a clear, with groups attempting every day, only for the boss to be nerfed and was still too buggy for most groups. The first two times I made it through blue shield, our tank got desynced and the boss leashed with 2 people still in combat. combined 80 minutes of combat time for nothing, combined with the awful drop chance was enough for me to realize that this game is wasting my time. Honestly the main thing that disappointed me though was that the raid just isn’t fun. I don’t think shards were perfect, but at least with shards I can gather 5 random people and have a confirmed time limit of 30 minutes. Imagine saying to someone, “hey lets go do this thing for over a half hour, probably gonna have a shit ton of bugs during it, and youre probably not gonna get anything good.” Its just disappointing. Even something like ultimate fights in final fantasy are capped to 18 ish minutes, and i’d much rather attempt one of those for months again than have to deal with this buggy mess of a game.


3.23 would be 31 attempts if we’re splitting hairs

Mathematically speaking 3.23 is an estimate based on collected data and would have its own margin of error. I doubt that the devs would put a number into the rng that wasn’t an integer, or at the very least a multiple of 0.5, so I used 3

Keep in mind 4.85% is how often we saw a drop, 3.23 is an estimate that assumes everyone had maxed luck perk and that there was a luck bomb active.
For calculating your chances I’d argue it’s more accurate to use 4.85% because most people doing boss 4 have maxed out luck and a luck bomb is usually active.


Okay, let me throw in some numbers, assuming a drop chance of 4.85%.

  • On average, you’ll get a drop every 19.6 kills.
  • The chance to drop at least one legendary weapon if all party members have a chance at the weapon is 42.1%.
  • Most people will have dropped at least one +7 themselves by their 14th kill (median value).
  • There is still a 5% chance that someone hasn’t dropped a +7 themselves after 60 tries.

But the problem isn’t the drop chance. It’s the fact that the fight is long and tedious, or inconsistent and broken, that makes it frustrating.


Given we only have 1 shot per week, this equates to about 4 months.

This idea solves some of the frustration for me. If you could grind it multiple times per week, it would incentivize people to play more rather than just the one time a week. Even if they changed nothing else. Having your shot be literally once a week, means that it adds pressure and stress to that fight, if it doesn’t happen now, I have to wait 7 days to try again.

An alt account helps but it also means you’re literally doing the boss fight for others vs having a chance for yourself and is something that shouldn’t be required for the game to be fun. I’m not sure how likely it is for the devs to rebalance the fight or fix all of the bugs as much as we want all of that to happen.

#uncapraids #uncaprap


It wasn’t my intention to get bogged down in drop chance. It was supposed to highlight the fact that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

Okay we’re back in the office today, and it’s nice to see that a thread has started, has differing opinions and was also kept very civil within the thread. I just wanted to point that out before diving into the topic at hand, so thank you for that.

So to the topic at hand, after reading through the threads and discussions it seems like there is two major issues:
The first is that Boss 4 of the raid has a few RNG mechanics that can cause a wipe, and based off their RNG nature there’s really not any strategy to negate this, and that the boss itself is harder then intended due to the amount of secondary bugs (de-syncs, ghost casting, etc.).
The second issue discussed is the drop chance of legendaries and if this is too low, or it feels too low after having to deal with all the issues associated with issue 1 mentioned above.

While we have not had a chance to discuss everything as a team, we did talk this morning over possible solutions to these issues. Our plan is to release the dungeon tomorrow, and depending on how the launch goes we will probably be busy this week with fixing issues related to the new dungeon. After this we plan on looking at Boss 4 of the raid the following week, to see what mechanics are causing the RNG problems and possibly re-working those specific mechanics to be more in line with the type of fight we were originally planning. I know this is not a solution to the bugs like de-syncs, ghost casting, etc. that are also making these fights harder, but this will allow us to get the raid fight in a better place faster, and allow us to continue looking into those long term bugs. Without going into too much detail today as we will be discussing our long term road map in January, we are planning on devoting the majority of our time to bug fixes next year (which will include fixes to raid boss mechanics if still needed).

As far as a fix for the second issue, we are open to increasing the drop chances of the legendaries in the raid, but would likely make this change after making adjustments to boss 4 mechanics and feedback from the community.


Tbf the fight doesn’t need to take 20+ mins. Players choose to make the fight that long by using strats that only have 2 DPS on the boss. The fight can be like 6-8 mins but people just choose for a longer way.

I really like the idea of your +7 chances getting upped a bit tho. I really don’t like people complaining about something a 20 min fight that clearly doesn’t need to be 20 mins

As far as I can tell, this has been done 3 times by 3 different groups. If it were repeatable, why hasn’t it been repeated? I can tell you that if my group found a way to do that boss reliably shorter, we would in a heartbeat. In my experience, it takes longer in attempts than it does with the success. So the question then becomes how many hours of rng are you willing to spend attempting the boss? For me that’s usually 1 hour, and even with a 20 minute kill, we can reliably do it in 1 hour.

I personally don’t mind the fight being long or short, however you choose to fight it. I just want more attempts at a +7.

#uncapraids #uncaprap


Yeah, afaik this has only been done by groups consisting of some of the highest DPS players in the game and even then, like blueduckyy said, there’s still a lot of RNG involved that can ruin those attempts just as easily as it can ruin the attempts with the longer strategies. Like, sure, with enough cracked DPS and a stroke of good fortune, you can kill him in ~8 minutes, but how many attempts will that take you to do, and how much time does that add up to after a handful of failed ones? I can see it taking even longer, from that frame of reference, with enough failed attempts.

Besides, I don’t think the complaints are necessarily about the amount of time it takes to kill him with any given strategy. They’re more about the unforgiving RNG elements, and generally just the fact that some of his mechanics are broken or can break mid-fight.


That is how WoW operates. Most who have played this for a while would be happy to pay a small monthly fee to continue if the desync’s were to subside. I see mention of Zenith in this thread. They are copying Orbus, added a playerhouse and critter capture. I would hate to see all the end game players leave because of desyncs. The other games are not better, less content, and not as openly social. Make this game better please, fix the desyncs.

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Does anyone know what causes desyncs? Is it underlying code or due to strain put on servers during busier times?

If having a private server that you can invite raid parties to fixes the problem (inc ghost casting) then please just take my money!

I don’t know for sure, but I believe it’s data packages getting lost somewhere. For example, if you get stuck in combat, the data package that signals the client that combat ended got lost. That’s a networking thing you can’t fix yourself, we’ll have to wait until the devs find the source of the problem. But people that play on PC and have hardwired internet seem to have less desyncs.


First off surprisingly it took Elysium only a day to do the entire strat.
2nd the strat really doesn’t require that high DPS and I can explain why.

Going to red took Elysium about 15 secs. We used the 2nd circle to open red and continued from there. If the DPS is too low then I feel like the fight would be a No Go but if the DPS is around the mid-high ranges I feel like using the 3rd circle drop to open red should be fine. The circle RNG can also be prevented a bit but with Elysium we decided to go YOLO and just stack up.

Killing adds should also be easier, If you use my strat you’ll still have a Tank to hold adds and you’ll barely have to worry about adds untill you have to kill them ofcourse. With Elysium we had to wait I think around 5 secs to maybe even longer for the 2nd add group to spawn and it felt hectic because of the first time but easily possible with 7 mid-high DPS and bard super obviously.

Blue phase will require more mechanics which I guess does make it harder but it has nothing to do with DPS

I feel like with some people obviously which I’m not trying to call anyone out are a little bit carried in the fight and ultimately makes it so the higher DPS complain because they have to do more while the lower DPS think it is way too hard. Especially if the most of the bugs get fixed I feel like it would be fair to force everyone in combat and not take a detour.

But I do get where you are getting at tho with time not being the thing

I think only 2 groups did it. I think they were Thrive and Elysium. I’m not sure what happened in Thrive but in Elysium after the kill, Some necessary because they were amazingly skilled at the mechanics. The RNG for circles can also be minimized a lot but at that time we were just lazy in a sense and YOLOD it. The same day we tried the strat we succeeded and out of experience I can tell you it is for sure do able for more people.

I kinda want more attempts on a +7 too so I’m interested on what the devs will do

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