It was a nice try for me, but Reborn just isn't the same

Great post! I deleted the game for several of the same issues.

Spells tied to certain level seems to be only logical… tou can cast them even when undiscovered but you can cast those spells just with level fulfilled requirements… seems like a normal progression… why should be able level 1 mage cast highest level spells in game? Level 1 mage casting all spells in game? Thats seems more like a poor implementation then as a purpose. Thats just dumb… i get the point of learning spells etc… but being able to cast level 2 spells after level 20 then level 3 after level 30 seems more then ok…

Still most of high end players seems ok with finishing quest as level 30 and then returning it as another low level class so why to argue?.. ive farmed mage, bard, etc to level 30 solo and its more then ok… mage was hard as hell but yea it suppose to be hard class so…

I hate people crying about changes to mages… honestly most of the mage system is just broken or not intended… for example casting all spells after creating character, shortcuts so far from normal spell shape that new players cant even cast spells etc…that doesnt seems like an intended feature…

Im not saying big changes have to be implemented but there could be some quality of life improvements to help the game have more linear level progression… etc…

No…This is a skill based system, not a level based system. You are rewarded for gaining skill in the game by being able to cast more complex spells.

Tying spells to levels would essentially create level 30 useless mages, as they wouldn’t get the time to practice the meta spells. Why spend, for instance, levels 1-20 practicing Fire 1 when Fire 2 is far more useful? You’re losing time practicing spells that get you further. The class is hard enough, now you’re advocating for making mages waste their time. If you lock people out of spells, you’re locking them out of being useful. You can unlock Triplicity/Contamination, but being able to cast any spell at any level is an AMAZING feature of this game.

That’s exactly how it was supposed to work.

The shortcuts ARE close to the actual runes. That’s why they work. There are even videos explaining why the shortcuts work. (


Consider all the other classes. They are given everything you need from the start. Why should mage be different? You level up to do more damage, not learn new stuff. I almost agreed with you until I thought about that. In that aspect, mages are actually at a disadvantage due having either to find or be told the spells. Tying spells to levels would mean completely and entirely redoing every class and every thing there is about this game’s combat system. Maybe think about the big picture before criticising one spec.

It would seem logical if this was a pancake MMO, but this is a vrmmo. Classes in this game are tied to skills and not levels which is why every class can use what is available to them right when they spawn in (scoundrel cards, shaman totems, warrior combos, paladin books, bard songs, archer arrows, muskie orbs). I suggest you make a new character and then level from 1-20 only using the level 1 spells in every fight you get in before you try to suggest forcing this on everyone else (not even taking into account the fact that you have already been playing mage for a while and know how to do those spells. Brand new level 1’s won’t know anything about the class and will be forced to use the weakest spells that they are barely able to do.)


IMO would be better unlocking as you go. Orbs, etc. The two big issues are:

  • Mage level 1 spells are more difficult to cast than level 2, particularly Frost 1
  • Classes don’t have enough interesting stuff to unlock. Even mages don’t have that much stuff to unlock. It would be exciting once to unlock fire&frost 2, affliction 2, but you’d be underwhelmed by frost&fire 3, pushback 2, etc.

This is like a dream to me lol, although it wouldn’t be literally redoing everything.

You still need a clear mechanic to show the player what they can do now, when they can get new skills, something to push them to get new skills once available, and an early preview of everything they will be able to do. Without a good system for doing this, unlocks would just be confusing or annoying (especially with how fast leveling is). Either way this kind of leveling system doesn’t seem to be in the near future due to the rework that goes hand-in-hand. On top of that, the leveling system itself(world events, missions) etc would preferably need a rework as well to make leveling an enjoyable/rewarding experience.

I’d consider everything we have now as the “baseline” for every class. If unlocks were to be added it’d need to build upon where we are right now.

So basically, a different game XD :yum:

Haha, I suppose that is a way to look at it. Plenty of games have undergone overhauls in the past which kept some fundamentals but play very differently.

well, wouldnt be the first time :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure your idea works to teach the player at all. Having all the skills available to the class from the begining allows the player to learn as they go. I started as a musk in preborn and found experementning eraly game allowed me to be the effective healer/player later game. Gating the skills/abilities would have littler merritt due to the current game design. If the game was a single player RPG that was narrow and gated it would work, but in an open world senerio allowing all to pick classes and do as they wish it simply would not work with the game design.

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My idea did not mention at all how to teach the player, I don’t know if you read my post in full. I clearly state,

This in itself states that you would need a good way to teach players for this to be a workable idea at all.

Similarly, you say that like a musky won’t have access to their abilities quick enough to experiment and be an effective healer late-game. I find that untrue for even the below average gamer. Especially with proper gating. Not that it matters as “late-game” is something to be learned in most games anyways, not something fully understood upon entering it. I did say in the current set of abilities for classes in Orbus that it would not work, and also that it would have little merit. I won’t care to elaborate more, but I agree with you if I put myself in the Orbus-box. You should find plenty of ideas if you are willing to think in terms of game design rather than just Orbus as-is.

I care much less about gating than I do the dev’s actually adding more class abilities and depth, as well as a better progression system overall when it comes to how players obtain experience-points, combat, and items. No gating is fine for Orbus, I just think that it could benefit from such a system done correctly.

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