It's on "The List"

This isn’t an in game suggestion it’s actually for the forum maybe make the list of known bugs tracking public in a sticky so people can check before posting to reduce number of dupe posts?

you don’t need a list of of reported bugs if you read every single post :slight_smile:

Personally i think duplicate posts are fine because they can provide additional feedback on bugs for the devs to continue tracking issues.


that’s true i hadn’t considered that but also realistically many people don’t take the time to read every post and even then there are times where suggestions or bugs get reported multiple times. i don’t mind either way was more of a convenience for the devs/forum mods but sometimes they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

I’m kidding with the first bit, i’m just saying i spend too much time on the fourms reading posts.


you and me both brother lol

There is a search function, you don’t have the read every post.

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