Kickstarter Campaign

Inquiring minds are dying to know more about the far-off prospect of custom furniture. Please tell us more!

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Haha, well, that involves explaining the whole housing system too, which I will be more than happy to do once we get closer to the Stretch Goal :innocent:

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Hey Riley, if I donate $300, can I name the in game currency tacos? Or tc for short?

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Unfortunately, no. But you can name the monster that lives in the forest near Lakewood, and ā€œTacoā€ would be a fine nickname for that. :slight_smile:

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Aww thatā€™s to bad, I was kidding btw, Iā€™m probably going to donate $100 to $150, the only thing stopping me from donating $250 is that I want to get the Nintendo switch. but i might have to reconsider how much Iā€™m donating, although I would probably want to have one of the npcs in the assassin guild named after me, but I really wanted to name the currency. but I shall never give up hope! One day I will barter with my fellow players using tacos as currency!

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Haha, itā€™s good to have dreams!

Whatever youā€™re able to donate, we appreciate the support.

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On a more serious note, Iā€™m about to donate and I was wondering how youā€™d know who donated, and who gets the rewards? Do you just see if the names match, or the emails are the same? Because I want to make sure I donā€™t get left out because of some error. Also, when will you get back to us about the rewards, like the badges and alpha access?

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After the campaign is over it gives me a list of everyone (their name and their email) and what level they backed at. I will be able to send out a survey as well that asks for your OrbusVR accountā€™s email address. Then I write some code that will match that up to your OrbusVR account to give you your rewards (e.g. activate your account for the closed Alpha, assign you the proper forum badge, etc.) If for some reason that process doesnā€™t work for you then of course we can fix it manually.

The first Closed Alpha test will be in April, I donā€™t know the exact date yet but right now we are thinking during the week of April 20th. The badges will be assigned on the forums before the testing starts.

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And i have pledged my $100, I cannot wait for the alpha and everything onward!


Congrats on hitting stretch goal #2 :smile:

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Yes we did its very exciting, over 200% backed in less than 24 hrs. we appreciate everyone who has backed us so far, we wont dissapoint with OrbusVR. Now to hit the $30K goal so we can have the Explorers league!!

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If anyone is interested in the Kickstarter towers, I get up close to them in this video. Will also post it in the general video thread:

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I got the Epic Founder Early Bird yesterday during my lunch break. Iā€™m really looking forward to the Closed Alpha!


If you got it yesterday, it seems I missed the early bird (and even the late bird) versions of the Epic Founder by just a few hours ^^ā€™ Lucky you ! :slight_smile:
Well I had never heard about Orbus before I saw a post about this kickstarter Campaign on my favourite VR website, so I guess Itā€™s common sense those who followed the project for months were quicker

The price gap did hurt my wallet a bit, but weā€™ll still meet in alpha :wink:

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Iā€™m really sad I missed the stress test, but I backed and Iā€™m really hyped for OrbusVR :smiley: . I canā€™t wait to meet you all in alpha (time zones permitting)!


Just a quick reminder that thereā€™s only 48 hours left. If youā€™ve been on the fence about backing nowā€™s your chance!

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Looks like we just passed the $30,000 stretch goal!


Just updated the campaign to reveal the details of the next stretch goal. Itā€™s a long shot but who knows, maybe weā€™ll make it!

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God I really hope we make it. The 40k is still doable if we spread the word. If we get close Iā€™ll probably raise my pledge of something. If we do make it, I would be up for the shaman but I really want to see a rouge class. What do you all think?

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After the campaign is over it gives me a list of everyone (their name and their email) and what level they backed at. I will be able to send out a survey as well that asks for your OrbusVR accountā€™s email address. Then I write some code that will match that up to your OrbusVR account to give you your rewards (e.g. activate your account for the closed Alpha, assign you the proper forum badge, etc.) If for some reason that process doesnā€™t work for you then of course we can fix it manually.

The first Closed Alpha test will be in April, I donā€™t know the exact date yet but right now we are thinking during the week of April 20th. The badges will be assigned on the forums before the testing starts.

Since we already get mage Iā€™d have to go with double mage.

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