Kickstarter Campaign

The Kickstarter Campaign is now live:

Check out the rewards and consider backing to support our ongoing development. There are specials available to those who back early via the Early Bird tiers, so don’t delay!

If you have any questions about the rewards please ask on the Kickstarter site if possible so other people who are considering backing can see our responses, but we can also answer questions on here as well.


So excited for this!!


Oh yeah! Backed!!! And sharing the love on Facebook. Hope this explodes!

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I’m in! Can’t wait to see what’s coming! :grin:

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I’m in as everyone else.

Did someone share the love on Reddit ?

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Yep there’s a couple of threads going on /r/Vive and /r/oculus if you want to go look at them


I did my upvoting part ^^

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Link them here so we can go upvote them as well?

Yeah I think if you directly link Reddit posts in other places and people go vote them up it can trigger a vote ring detection thing. But go to:

And you should see them in the top 20 posts.

Btw Riley I cannot seem to notice Orbus VR under the Virtual Reality tag on kickstarter. Is it under games category only?

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Yeah it’s under Video Games right now. Where is the VR category? Technology?

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“On our radar” in the explore function of kickstarter. Just thought you might wanna know. Since many people keep watching it for new stuff. Good Luck with the campaign! :slight_smile:

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Backed! It’s already almost at the goal too. That’s awesome, hopefully it keeps on going.

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Might want to consider a Early Bird II on the alpha pledges for like $70 or $75 for another 50-100 pledges.

Going from 60 to 100 might not drum up a ton more backers for that tier.

I got mine so it’s all good :).

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Congrats Riley, you just reached goal in a little over 3 hours. Hope you had some stretch goals in mind, we didn’t give you much time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Congrats on hitting your goal! I think you were a bit too conservative, you gotta pump out some good stretch goals :smile:

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Haha thanks everyone! Yes stretch goals will be coming. I am working on finalizing them now.

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Excellent to see its passed it already!

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Just an update we’ve reached our first Stretch goal of $15,000.00 !! dragon pets here we come !