Lack of evolutions in gameplay

An interesting one for ranger would be something like ‘increase damage after being stationary for x time’ vs ‘increase damage for x time after moving’

Another could be ‘add an interrupt to piercing arrow’ vs ‘make piercing arrow pierce through targets’

Why not just constantly move slightly back and forth then?

You could do that, I think it would mostly be a choice you use for mobility bosses vs tank and spank.

I guess because you can reliably draw and aim. Good for tiles but not so good for movement and dps at the same time. Its honestly a preference thing. I don’t use a level 5 talent because they are both pretty weak. Lend a hand has the benefit of spell spam being more reliable at the trade off of you cannot move and cast at the same time.

How about make it integral but a choice?

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  • Healing orbs reduce cooldown on damage orbs OR damage orbs reduce cooldown on healing orbs
  • Impact orb refreshes active Poison on enemies OR impact orb refreshes active Renew on allies

For bonus points, maybe some inter-class effects:

  • Gravity Orb spreads all active DoTs (as arcane missile) OR Gravity Orb spreads all active debuffs
  • Shield Orb + Mage Shield creates reflective armor buff (99% absorption + some reflection briefly?) OR Shield Orb + Mage Shield gives longer-lasting temporary boost to armor


  • Charged hammer strikes affect one additional nearby target OR charged hammer strikes do equivalent addition to single target
  • Having 3 or more enemies targeting you at once raises your armor (or maybe threat gen?) while fewer targeting you lowers it OR vice-versa.

I know what you mean, level 1 is the same as max level mechanically-speaking. Tough problem to tackle though, do you make earlier levels boring by cutting out things or add on things to classes? Keeping in mind that the more mechanics you add the more you’re expecting someone to physically perform as part of their “rotation”. It’s not like WoW or FFXIV where it’s just the difference of pressing an extra button, there’s much more involved here so the changes/additions would have to be very subtle.

I do think the Paladin was done well as far as growing mechanics go (though some of the choices end up being worthless). You start off with no hammer of Retribution or Forgiveness and no Plea. So at least there’s that as far as progressing mechanics goes

Maybe not increasing the amount of things to do, maybe having a main weapon, and 2 or 3 accessories is enough. But more options and diversity would be great.
Unlocking new arrows/totems/paladin’s books/scroundels cards/shields/weapons/horns…
With different effects, would be nice, we could get new things to try as we level up, without necessarily just adding new things to do, and having to do everything at the same time.

To take your exemple, in WoW, you learn new skills, and you can bind them all on your bars, would be easy in VR.
But in Diablo 3, you unlock skills too, but your bar is limited, and you need to choose your build, and change it as you level up, or depending on your stuff, allowing to try different gameplays.

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