Level Scaled Over-world Thoughts

Idk what a lollygagger is but believe it or not, it took me initially also months xD


I loved how long it took to level. It’s way to easy now once you have one lvl 30 to just pump xp into classes and never play them.


Level scaling and dailies are pretty much starting to kill this game for me. I really wish they had more questlines to follow that made you explore the world or side quests. I spend most of my time at this point sitting around in game trying to get a shard group together with little to no success. If not I mostly just do critter capture everyday and dump xp into classes I dont have to learn how to play. Level scaling makes it feel like you are never progressing and doesnt really encourage high levels to quest with low levels. Maybe if overworld xp was worth something people would but that’s another issue…


you could 1 shot a red tail at level 15 in OG :man_shrugging: always felt pretty good to destroy the things that once killed you over and over


@Airis said already everything in her wonderful post but I want to emphasize once more that I think its motivating to “look up” to someone stronger! It raises the wish to become as strong!

I know it was made to accomplish that very low and very high levels can play together and feel equally important…
…but I for myself, as a low level, would not expect that I’m on the same level! I would just think that it is very weird that this fully fletched lvl 30 char who jumped in to help me with this mob I accidentally pulled in the beginner zone…is dying!
…wait a minute…I will not be able to handle a mob in the beginner zone even as lvl 30? :thinking:

I fully agree that the scaling has a good place in dungeons, public events… but like the others I would definitely second to minimize (or eliminate) it in the over world!


@Riley_D @Robert
Riley Quote from a locked thread on this topic:
The goal with the dynamic scaling is to make it so that everyone in the game can do most overworld activities together. This is really, really important for the longevity of the game. One of the biggest lessons we learned in the original OrbusVR is that we need a setup so that a Level 15 and a Level 2 can play together in a positive way that’s beneficial for both of them in a good chunk of the game.

There will be plenty of opportunities in end-game content such as shard dungeons and raids to get the feeling of increasing power as those will not be level scaled. So you will get to a point where you can easily do a Shard 1 dungeon where before it was very difficult, just like now.

With all of that in mind, if folks have a different idea that allows us to keep the entire community playing together in the overworld, that isn’t this system, or tweaks to this system, I’m definitely receptive. We didn’t just arbitrarily put this system into place, there are goals for the game that we are trying to achieve; I think the whole community benefits from a game that is better able to attract and retain new players.

@Riley_D I mainly made this post because of the concern about player retention. After a few months of play I believe the consensus is that the scaling being applied to the main part of the game is not having the desired results. In my opinion, and I do not believe that I am alone based on talks I have with newer and older players and this post, the scaling of the over world is making it harder to retain players which can lead to arguments about not being able to que for dungeons or get enough people together for raids (a concern for many, if not all, end game players).

I would like to ask if the dev team is seeing or hearing a different view than that being expressed with this post? Or if the opinion of the developers is that the scaling is helping in designing content which makes the game more accessible to everyone and therefore you would like to keep the scaling until more content is released?

I believe the ability to level with the new missions and events almost without going to far out of Highsteppe also negates another reason for implementing the over world scaling.

Y’all have done a great job with a variety of things to do, but again there seems to be something missing at least in comparison to the old game and I believe it maybe the scaling.

Thanks for all of your hard work dev’s and thanks for listening to the community.


Also I would like to add more variety of mobs, but that’s a separate issue


We were just talking about this the other day. I don’t know that it’s useful to necessarily pick one specific thing out of the whole host of changes we made, but looking at all of them as a whole (e.g. level scaled overworld, level scaled dungeons, decreasing time it took to level up to max level, adding dungeon group finder, adding missions system vs. long-form MSQ, etc.) I think in some ways we’ve succeeded and in others it hasn’t worked out as we had thought it would. Of course, it’s also fair to say that there were things about the original game that didn’t work out how we had thought they would, either, haha.

I think in general we have seen a higher percentage of the population reach max level, and based on statistics around things such as monthly active users (which is very different from concurrent users), more people are still engaged with and playing the game 3 months post-launch than were in the original game. So in that way the changes have been successful.

However, at the same time, I do agree that some of the changes to the overworld have left the game feeling less like a traditional MMO and more like a spoke-and-hub game and that’s not really what we wanted to do. Some of that is due to the design decisions we made, some of it is the way that people have chosen to…use loopholes in the way we implemented things to use it in a way that makes it easier to do but also in the long run less fun. In particular the fact that no one really has to venture far to the four corners of the realm anymore is not what we wanted or intended. And although we did add some mechanics in to the game to preserve the power fantasy of the overworld, I think it’s fair to say they have not worked well, so that’s another issue.

At any rate, we are examining all of these things as we consider what we are going to do in terms of the long-term future of the game. I don’t think we’re going to make any drastic changes in the near future, but the next “phase” of the game will likely see some changes to these systems.


I have a suggestion to make people want to explore more. Either put the dungeons back out into the world, or add the new ones out in the world somewhere. One of my fondest memories was running around in a group of 5 people looking for the Tradu dungeons for the first time. I also loved having to run to the dungeon anytime I would do shards or something.

I actually recorded the exact instance I mentioned, and uploaded it to YouTube.


personal I like the dungeons being in one zone its smart and conveniant. it also makes it so I dont have to go near lamavora

Sounds like laziness to me :wink:

Edit: That’s what dungeon queues are for.


:joy:no I just hate lamavora

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It’s nice having a reason to leave highsteppe every once and a while. I’ve always hated that all the dungeons are in highstepee…


To see the old game, the old world, the old fun :cry:


Yeuuuup, this exactly! Some of my most memorable moments throughout my time in MMOs came from the stark disparity between high and low levels. I remember being a noob in the original Guild Wars and asking for help… and how much of a game changer it was when a friendly higher level player decided to offer a friendly hand (despite getting very little in return), and steamrolled me through those challenging enemies. Or how cool it felt to have a friend join the game, and to be able to take them under my wing and easily protect them out in the dangerous world, as they were gradually leveling up.

You may say that teaming up with a stronger player and steamrolling enemies kills the gameplay, but actually it does the opposite - it brings in a new, emergent, social gameplay factor. If high and low level players work together, it’ll be out of friendliness and support. Maybe you can’t count on this in all MMOs, but so far, VR game communities tend to be much more supportive and less toxic than most traditional games, largely because of the voice chat and sense of presence that VR gives you.

In traditional games, maybe you did need to implement level scaling, thereby sacrificing emergent social support to get strangers to team up once in a while. But - and the constant anti-level-scaling posts I see on here support this - I don’t think Orbus needs to make that sacrifice. Let weak players be weak, let strong players be strong, and they will still team up and help one another out. When the strong players get bored, they’ll make some newbie’s day by trucking them through some difficult areas. When the newbie experiences this, he’ll be moved by the supportiveness of the community, and be motivated to keep playing so he can get to the power level where he easily steamrolls overworld enemies and can help newbies out as well.

Maybe leave level scaling in dungeons but that’s it.


This. I loved doing this in Oldbus. I was one of the high level players who helped newer players more than I did end game content. It was fun to go around and help new players learn the game and help with less obvious quests even if I got nothing in return. The most this helped me in Oldbus was if I was helping someone do the later main story missions to get them to level 20 and start them off in the endgame content. I would get another level 20 that could potentially become someone I play with regularly.


I enjoyed having the dungeons in the world. I used to love talking to players killing spiders outside of mayos ect while waiting for our party.


I agree, in my case this was the thing keeping on orbus. I absolutely loved being able to just go around and help people adventure and progress through the game and sense reborn orbus has felt less fun. I loved helping people get used to where things were and often people would ask for help with some area (which I loved). In the game current I haven’t had a single request for assistance and it kind of feels as though everything is pointless(as in level don’t feel like they are worth much) . I want to keep playing but I have been unable to find much interesting stuff to do.

I never have much time to play so I’m unable to do dungeons which makes small adventures and solo stuff quite important.

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You mean not worked AT ALL. You don’t get this feeling, EVER, ANYWHERE.


That’s not fully true, there are some unscaled mobs scattered about that give you that sense of power, but the second you hit one of the scaled ones, your sense of power vanishes and you become just another guy in Patreayal.

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