List of Minor & Major Shard Mods?

Is there a list of minor/major/special modifiers for the shards somewhere?

It might help people figure out if certain modifiers are working as intended!


Yeah, I’m not sure if this is something the devs intend the community to work out but having a comprehensive list of mutations and the expected behavior would be useful for making sure they are working as intended.

It’s not really possible to work that out precisely imho, at first day when we didn’t bother to look all up we guessed even the known ones wrongly, every one had an “impression” mobs did this and that differently.
And this list would be very needed to reduce superfluous shards cluttering the (player house) inventory.

For the minor ones I was kind of leaving it up to the community to figure out. If you want to start a list I will take a look at it and let you know if you are way off on any of them.

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Ok can we start that here then perhaps, thread title fits to it… quick list of what was posted and a few I remember/have currently (can’t even guess the last 3 though).

Officially posted Minors:
Aggressive (Minor): Enemy basic attacks happen 25% faster.
Mobile (Minor): Enemy movement speed is increased by 100%.
Alert (Minor): The aggro radius of all monsters is doubled.

Other Minors:
Thick Skinned: Mobs got more HP(?)

Indecisive: threat generating skills are not as effective (harder to keep aggro)

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Dumbfounded: slow ult gen
Unprepared: longer ability cooldowns

Strong willed: ?

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Yeah I’m realizing some of these aren’t super obvious haha.

Unprepared: Your first attack against an enemy does increased damage, but your subsequent attacks against them are reduced.

Thick Skinned: Mobs have additional resistance to Physical damage.

Strong Willed: Mobs have additional resistance to Magical damage.

You’ve got Dumbfounded and Indecisive right.

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Hah yeah never would have gotten those. We counted our cool downs and they seemed reduced. Never questioned it after that

So are all minors and major mutations supposed to apply to all enemies and all bosses?

Do some apply only to enemies and not bosses or vice versa? Can you tell us how this affects the mutations?

What about the actual % of some of these mutations?

  1. What was aggressive mutation nerfed to recently?
  2. How much more resistant are thickskinned and strongwilled mutations?
  3. How does unprepared differ from Thickskinned and Strongwilled? How does the scaling work?
  4. Dumbfounded, is this scaling with shards, is it supposed to take 4x longer to generate or 2x?

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