Loading character bug when opening Orbus via Oculus home

Hey there! I’ve recently bought Orbus on Steam, but play on the Oculus Rift, however, whenever I attempt to start the game through Oculus home, I get stuck on a “Loading character screen”. During this time, the character on-screen does not represent my own in terms of aesthetics, and neither does my character name or the login button appear. The only temporary workaround I’ve discovered is to open steam vr first, load the game there, quit out, and then re-open via oculus home, whereby my character appears as it should normally. Apologies if this is confusing!

Many thanks in advance, Jordan!

Make sure your Steam client (not SteamVR, but Steam itself) is open when you launch it. I think that’s probably the issue.

Ah right, okay! Never thought to try it that way! :smiley: Also, I just wanted to commend you for your prompt response, your excellent game and the ease of joining this forum and not having to wait 48 hours to make a post.

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