Lock option on Party Chat/Fellowship Chat

I realize that there are a lot of higher priority items on the chat fix list (like it just not working many times), but I want to open the discussion on two potential improvements.

  1. An option to “lock” the party or fellowship chat. Sometimes when I’m questing with a party, we’re trying to chat as we go along, and someone stops because they pulled aggro, or whatever, and then they’re out of chat radius but we don’t notice, or voices just fade in and out as you get closer or further from each other. I would like the option to “lock” party chat as “ON” for spans of time.

  2. Some way of telling where voices are coming from, whether they are physically around you, party chat, or fellowship chat. I don’t really know what this would look like, but it would be nice to know.

Would love to hear other people’s thoughts!


I think this has been suggested before, but yes. Two things I think I’ve asked for before are

  • Option to toggle lock outgoing chat modes between fellowship, area, party instead of having to press on your compass to talk, which seems very unstable as it is.
  • Option to disable or change the volume of certain sound groups (and/or increase the dropoff past a certain distance).
    ** As examples:
    ** I might want the voices of people in my fellowship muted while I’m doing a raid.
    ** I might want the voices of nonparty members to be quieter than my party members.
    ** I might want to have my fellowship chat quieter than my dungeon chat.
    ** I might want to hear players within 5m of me, but not anyone past that.
    ** I might want to hear players within 2m of me and want anything past that to quickly be more so quiet.
    ** I might want to specifically mute global chat during an event.

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