Looking for a fresh batch of questions for the next Dev Q&A!

This might become a huge thing for the community. I would highly recommend getting community feedback on the plan before changing anything… Because the problem is PvP only from the player perspective (as far as I know), I beg you to consider any change only affecting PvP… It is time to detect difference between pvp and pve stuff on more things than buffs…


This is definitely in reference to situations like this. Entire pages of inventory filled up with these chests, and each one requiring two clicks to open, and then three more clicks to break down the gear from each one that we don’t need, and more clicks to deposit the dozens of ingredients gained. It’s time consuming and if you want to do missions, an unavoidable consequence. Your inventory will fill up, and you will spend several minutes then having to sort out all the items.


Need this right here

pro tip, if you’re going to turn in a lot of quests and don’t care about the loot from the reward caches you can split 1-2 stacks of items up until your inventory is full(doesn’t take that long if you place the stacks close to the split button), then since you don’t have room for the caches in your inventory they’ll get deleted(or something, they disappear at least) and you wont have to deal with opening them all and breaking down the gear.
You do have to stack up all the items again afterwards tho, but it’s faster if you turned in a decent number of missions.


I get a feeling this has been asked before but can we expect to see any new dungeons/a possible shard level increase? Shard 15s are getting way to easy. A new challenge be would be great.

When it comes to balancing tanks and supports, which one will you look at first?

Will the lore end at the citadel raid or is there more we don’t know about?

What about tanks need to be balanced?
It’s also been confirmed, support balance is coming soon

The key words are (paraphrased) “take a look at.”
I am not the most qualified person to talk about the paladin, but if I remember correctly, the paladin has intense struggles with keeping aggro.
When it comes to the warrior, the only real issue with it is hitreg/bugs. I have had so many cases in PvP and PvE where I slash at the opponent, it vibrates the controller, saying that I hit the enemy, and it just does nothing. And finally, this one only sticks out during the Seamstress for some reason, but the swords hitbox just disappears, ruining the entire fight because the game decided that your sword never existed.

As someone who tanks shards 90% of the time I don’t see what intense problems you mean but there is certainly somewhat of a gap.

Pet Battles!! Naming Pets!!

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Are you guys ever going to add something that is useful into pvp loot? Would sure make pvp more fun, witch would make the game overall more entertaining.

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Its been getting REALLY HARD to get any GEAR aBOVE LVL 5+!!!
PLEASE TURN THE VOLUME DOWN…Cause turn down for what…

One thing that has often bugged me about the game is the constant reuse of animations. I think the game would be much more dynamic if there was newer animations due different creatures. A big one i noticed was the dwarf strangers, they share an animation with the bruzurple snatchers. When I saw that I just turned to my friends and said, “Well lookie there, it’s just a bunch of monkeys in bedsheets!” Even the special event monsters didn’t feel unique, just more of the same. Another one that bugged me was the large skejelhods from the fall event they share an animation with the stafrutes, but the biggest problem there was the fact that the skejelhods didn’t have something in their hands to swing, but their animation was made for something that actually has a weapon. So it looked like the skejelhods were beating me with an invisible bat.

Obviously there are more cases, there’s pretty much one set of animations that is reused for every different type of monster. But in any case are there any plans to remedy this? Maybe to hire a full time/one time animator?


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