Lore Boys Guide of the Chaos Realm

IMPORTANT: I made this before the announcement today so most of this stuff is about part of the realm of chaos we were at before which is what I assumed the dungeon would look like and I also made predictions in it which were mostly wrong and I tried deleting but I might of missed 1 or 2 so I’m sorry about that anyways here is everything we know of the realm so far…. (Or at least before the announcement I might make another post going over everything in there)

Hey guys! So with the new dungeon coming out I’ve decided to make a guide that goes over most of everything we know about the chaos realm so you can be better prepared once we go in! Quick note this realm goes by many different names so if I say Taella Bruha or chaos dimension I’m referring to the realm of chaos and not any separate dimensions.

Also I want to say that a lot of this info is from pre born and could of changed. Also also although I read the lore a lot I’m not always right so I apologize if anything I say is wrong.

It’s creation:

Taella Bruha was made by the god of chaos B’aal, when he made it he filled it with chaos and made a world of horrible creatures, imps, golems, and dragons. It was a world of eternal darkness.

When Ma’at, the goddess who made our realm saw what he made she sealed it away placing a vile between her realm of order and his realm of chaos so that we could dwell in the light and not the dark.

What is a realm/dimension?

Despite us calling it the realm of chaos it is actually more of a dimension but to get a better background of these realms and dimension I have a few quotes that pretty much sums it all up for you, “If you are to think of the multiverse se as a giant bag of marbles, and the void as the world

outside that bag, then a dimension is one of the individual marbles within.

Poe explains a dimension as being a self contained galaxy. A dimension follows it’s

own rule within the grander laws of the mulliverse.” “That is, a kind world. or a group of worlds. A realm

occurs when the wall between two dimensions is weakened. causing them to collide and merge

with one another. The laws of each dimension also merge. becoming the same or similar.

Realms are typically inaccessible from each other. though high level occult aclivity can

create pathways between the astral plane, allowing travel.” Something to note here is that with our dimensions colliding we won’t have to worry about our magic changing, so to all the mages you won’t have to worry about learning new spells.

What does the realm look like?

The realm is a seemingly infinite void with a cosmic purple sky and floating islands (think the End from Minecraft) this place is the definition of chaos with it causing people to go insane by just looking at it. Here is a picture of the gods of chaos in the realm of chaos

It’s creatures:

The monsters in this dimension have been bathing in the chaos essence that we can assume has completely flooded their realm so expect them to be powerful and very weird. It’s hard to give an exact answer on what they will look like but I assume they will have a lot of tentacles to mirror the gods of chaos. Some of the inhabitants of this realm are extremely intelligent but it is hard to say if the creatures we will be fighting are smart so we will have to wait and see on that. Although the cutscenes say that the chaos realm has imps, dragons, and golems

Our history with it:

Our realm Hasn’t always been connected to the chaos realm. The first known things to travel between the two worlds were the esasa lords but unfortunately they all went to sleep for a very long time leaving the humans to discover their portals thousands of years later. The first Janist, khabor Jan discovered the gateway and opened it. Him and his followers went into the chaos realm and harvested the essence of the gods and used it to build great machines. The order killed most of these janists and it’s hard to tell if they kept the portals open. When markos came into power he did open and build some portals and allowed anyone or anything to pass through them (which is why we have the chaos portal on top of the mountain in highsteppe)

Other info

To enter the chaos dimension you need to first open and go through a portal

(here is a picture of an active chaos portal)

The portal in lamavora is NOT active so it is unlikely we will be using that portal and the portal public event will also probably not be the way we get to the realm because we have no idea on where it leads and it’s way to dangerous to just blindly walk in. My prediction on where the portal would be is at the lighthouse but I could be wrong so we will have to wait and see where it is.

The gods of chaos do live in the bottom floors of the dimension but we might not actually see them depending on how high up we are.

General overview of everything,

Täella-Brüha or “the realm of Chaos” is the sister world to Täella-Oso. When the great Scholar Khabor Jan reopened the gate between worlds, he found a dimension so foreign to his own, that it is said many of his scholars went mad upon viewing it. A seemingly endless void of blacks and cosmic purples, Täella-Brüha consists of fragmented floating islands and continents. Strange and ghastly creatures roam this disconcerting landscape, some that are little more than beasts, while others boast a near inconceivable brand of intelligence. Sprawled across many of these islands are cities of alien, non-Euclidean architecture, populated by beings, both benign (kind) and hostile towards humanity.


so where does nodenghast(however u spell it) stealing treasure castle come into the picture?

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Thank you for your dedication to the lore, and to your desire to educate us on it, Stone.


Hey! 2 years?? Wow welcome back!! So she never actually stole the castle because she IS the castle and I think treasure castle was just her code name until they came up with nodenghast. If you would like to know her full lore I would love to tell you!

Also now I have a question for you orrrr more of a request, so I’ve heard you kind of created her or something along those lines so I was wondering if you could tell me some things you remember about her that might not of made it into the game like what she looks like or something like that if you do know anything

Edit: just realized I didn’t answer the question on “how it comes into play” Sorry about that. So I’m sure you remember sephotep (the wizard who saves you from the necropolar lords in preborn) he actually made a deal with Nodenghast where he would get the forbidden knowledge of the universe and in return he would become her eternal servant and Nodenghast asked for sacrifices and to spread the chaos. This deal was actually made before the start of preborn so that whole thing of him saving you and being nice was all a manipulation tactic to get the trust of the knights of patreayl which ended up destroying the order and sephotep became one of lord Markos’s advisors he asked sicilus and Poe to work along side him in the creation of the citadel told them it was a marvel of the age of knights that it was meant to put patreayl back on the map, to show all of taella-osa that we have recovered from the order of Ma’ats pillaging of our land. The pitch? A great tower powered by the essence - essence that they themselves would harvest from the gods of chaos in taella-bruha. It would hold within its vast and complex technologies, the capability to connect astral bridges between dimensions. patreayl would become known as a country of explorers, he said people would journey through time and space to find new worlds. We could map the multiverse itself! But every passing day people grew suspicious of lord sephotep and with the more essence they poured into its mechanical bowels, the more erratic he grew… this was no mere excitement, no it was the behavior of a man who could see his efforts and greed coming to fruition.
So on the night of the citadels completion sicilus sneaked into sephoteps private quarters while he attended the final stages of his plan and read his secret diary’s and discovered the horrid truth of what was about to unfold, the diary spoke of “great darkness” set to be summoned to our land. Of the castle in the sky, from which the great ones of chaos were birthed the citadel was not what you have been lead to believe at all. instead he used the citadel as a beacon, a flare of magical energy that would carry itself across dimensions, throughout the multiverse and into the outer realm known as “the tranquil dark”
It was a one week period in which nodenghast seeped through the portal and with her arrival can the floods, fires, and earth quakes.
Helga sarrow launched some airship attacks on the castle but all it lead to were more deaths

As to what happened with Sephotep? Well I’ll start with him and Nodenghast meeting and then I’ll make my way to him fulfilling Nodenghasts wishes.
We start when sephotep was a kid that grew up in the frozen tundra of the necropolors and his whole life he wanted to go out and explore. this was a bit difficult for him considering the fact that he was paralyzed in both legs. one day Ethan got sent back in time by a witch named tinny to find Sephotep before he got all powerful and he ended up running into Seith. the two chatted and even became pretty good friends and they both agreed to help find the person they were looking for. (Seith was looking for his master shaman because it has recently gone missing and with him being the apprentice it was his duty to find the master shaman and bring it back.) The two set off and later find the master shaman in the rainforests near some glyphs that Seith deciphered as the word Nodenghast. These glyphs made Ethan have and unsettling feeling but night was coming fast and they were all very tied so they decided to make camp and venture back home the next morning. the next morning came quick and when Ethan woke up he found he was alone… he stood up to go look for Seith but then he hit something. He looked down and saw the master shaman with a knife in his chest laying lifelessly on the floor. Ethan shuddered back and all he could think was “who could of done this??” He felt sick but was interrupted by the Weird glyphs that Seith was so obsessed with the past night. He got closer and touched the glyphs. out of no where a strong force pulled him into the wall. He tried to fight the invisible force but it was to powerful so his only option was to let this force take him, “maybe this is where Seith went.” he thought. he then appeared in a long dark hallway, he could still see the forest around him but it felt like it was in another world. all he knew was he wasn’t in his dimension anymore. As he started to walk down the hall he felt his very essence quake inside of him. he then heard two faint voices chanting some unworldly song. he made out one of the voices as Seith and he had no choice but to follow it He got to the exit of the hall and saw a huge castle floating in the sky and Seith sitting in his chair talking to the castle. ethan called out to him and the voice from the castle feel silent. seith shifted his chair to face him. “Ethan you made it” he said. Ethan asked many questions but got no answers, instead Seith rose from his chair and said “she healed me” “she set me free from my prison.” “Ethan pledge your servitude, ask her what she wants and she will find that man you seek” Ethan then replied with “lets go, this thing… it doesn’t… feel right.” “Nonsense.” Seith said. “look at what its done for me! I have felt for my whole life that I have been trapped but she spoke to me and now I can explore the whole multiverse!” the castle suddenly began to explode with noise. “for what?” Ethan shouted “What must you give her in return.” Seith smiled sadly “oh Ethan you will never understand, you have never felt trapped like I did. go home forget what you’ve seen here.” Seith then disappears and with him gone the castle started to get louder and louder until Ethan could no longer handle it forcing him to leave the pocket dimension. Ethan then decides to head back to guild city but when he returns he finds no one there… and in the middle of the town square he saw Seith praying- no talking to something or someone. “Seith!” Ethan calls out, “where is everyone?” he asks. “Nodenghast required a sacrifice.” Seith says as he turns to face Ethan. “Sephotep?” ethan says as he sees the face of the evil wizard. “yes that is a good name, I’ll take it.” he reply’s Seith or now Sephotep is about to strike down Ethan but Ethen just in time gets teleported away by a witch named tinny. he looks at her and could only make out the words "I made him, I made Sephotep.”

To learn more of her lore I recommend reading her songs which I have on the lore discord which I will link here: https://discord.gg/NrwjQ9tQg3
Feel free to join and if you have any more questions about any other lore feel free to ask

Edit 2: I just realized how long that all was I apologize haha if you want a shorter version I can make one it just won’t go into detail

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It’s the least I could do compared to what some of these other people are doing but I’m glad I can help in anyway and I’m thankful so many of you guys are willing to learn the lore! It takes a while to make these posts so knowing that people read them really makes my day

heheh Stone, you’re crazy :love_letter:

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