Microphone bug (extra letters)

nope i have not

Do you mean relogged by logging out and going to the character menu and coming back, or restarting the game entirely after quitting? Some of the audio issues require a full restart sometimes and we still hope to improve on this in the future.

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not a full restart but i have restarted my console and still cant be heard

same here. i use push to talk and people cant hear me

also I’m on quest

Possibly related

update: microphone has fixed ty for the efforts to help

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Posting a quick coment on how you solved it can help others with simular problems


Same here I have to restart orbus at least 10 times an hour due to sound problems

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Which headset?

I am on the quest

This is a really common issue no matter what headset you are running; it is way better than it used to be (thank you for working so hard on it, we have noticed the improvements!:slight_smile:).

While the Devs are working on improving the voice system, we tend to instruct people to have a discord voice chat open (even if they are running a Quest) on their phone as an audio backup.

@Jayden_S2 you may want to go that route.

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i didnt do anything

it has fixed and not all people i play with have same discord servers as me

@Jayden_S2 hopefully it stays fixed for you!

If not, consider having them join you in your server or joining one and/or all of theirs.

update… it broke… again

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it broke yet again

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i think i know how to fix it. after both times my quest died it fixed.

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make sure the mic isnt muted on your quest device home menu lol that was my issue.

I have experienced sound issues in orbus for 2 years. I am on the rift/riftS…
re-logging fixes it, suggesting d-sync bug. Sometimes re-logging isn’t enough, your friends around you might need to do it too.