Microphone, communication issues

I’m playing on Quest 2, when logging in i can’t hear anyone talk and i think they can’t hear me as well. I hear all other audio in game. I have tried other games to test the mike and it works, just this game is giving me issues. My version is the Steam Demo, looking to purchase it but not until i figure the sound issue out.

I’m not too familiar with the quest, but a few others have had audio issues as well. Check the post to see if those solutions work :slight_smile:

thanks for your response. I have tried other games and the chat on the quest mic works. I would like to know if i buy it on Steam as opposed to the Oculus store will i encounter the mic issue, do i need to purchase the Quest version to get the mic chat to work?

I’m gonna tag in @Mathieu_D because he’ll be more knowledgable and able to help you far better than I will :slight_smile:

awsome thanks

Is it possible you have accidentally activated the global mute function? If you look at other players, do you see their hands?

If not, hold B and Y on your controllers for a few seconds to toggle the global mute function which mutes everyone around you.

ive looked into this before and tried it already, i will try again, but assume that this isn’t the problem. :slightly_smiling_face:

when going into the Quest 2 downloaded apps which are directly on my headset, there are options to allow permissions for the mic, any game that is downloaded from steam is not on the permission page, could this be the problem?

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What method are you using to play games from Steam? If you’re using an oculus link it shouldn’t matter, but if it’s a game on your headset then yes, you would need to enable permission.

im using the link

I would make sure that your oculus headset is set as your default recording device in Windows, not having it set that way has caused some issues for certain players.

But as to why you wouldn’t be able to hear other players, I’m not sure what it could be. If you know anyone playing that can help, are you able to hear them through the party chat?

i will try to invite someone to see if party chat works
and will check my windows settings.

so the problem was, allowing microsoft permissions to all apps on in the microphone sound settings, it worked…thanks for your help!


I’m experiencing the same thing, randomly my voice chat stops working and I have to relog again to be able to hear anyone. Most of the time I’m able to know that it stopped working when it becomes silent in highstep.

That’s a separate bug and is very well known. Relogging is the way to fix it. Make sure to send a bug report before you relog! (There’s a button for this within the game… somewhere - I never remember where… :woman_facepalming:)

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