I would like to suggest increasing the inventory weight size every time someone hits max level on their character by 5 (or whatever number the devs feel is good).
The reason why I am suggesting this is because as you max out each class, you are carrying a set of gear for that class if you want to swap. This generally is the 4 pieces of main gear, possibly rings, and the weapon.
Eventually, someone who has all 4 classes maxed, will have 10 less weight in their inventory compared to everyone else. Is this really intended by the devs as a tradeoff to being able to switch to each of the classes they worked hard to level up?
More then 10, you want multiple sets in many cases.
I’m hoping for at least some sort backpack upgrade I could buy or craft. I’m already don’t take more then 2 classes equipment and leaving pet in chest.
Honestly, we have way too many inventory slots for the amount of weight we can carry. I would really appreciate the idea of upgrading your backpack in some way through gameplay by crafting or something
My solution and suggestion would be to have the armor remember what you last wore on your class.
That way you can easily swap between classes without having to swap your armor and it’s not wasting bag space because it’s stored in the character armor menu.
Anyone else feeling the need for more inventory weight towards end game? Like lets say you start carrying potions and what not, a second set of armor, or more, several weapons (pve/pvp), cosmetics, other consumables, etc.
I am hoping for one or more of the following:
Base weight increase
Weight increase at max level
Weight increase as quest reward
Weight increase as a purchased upgrade via dram
Weight increase as a guild perk upgrade
Weight increase as a house/player upgrade via dream