What if each class got 2 weapons. For example your Tier 1 talent could change your style of play by changing the type of weapon that you use. One example is ranger choosing between a lower damage faster firing short bow in place of the rapidity and a higher damage slower crossbow instead of precision.
Agreed I’ve been saying this. I know this game has other issues but right off the bat I was disappointed in the classes. Mainly no melee classes. Instead of a support gun class they should have made a healer support mage that maybe casted different than the rune mage. Runemahe should have wand or staff and have 2 different play styles of dps or healer or dps or summoner where you summon little beast to fight. Warrior should have had shield and sword or dual wield for dps, or 2 hander and dual wield. The classes need adding and improvement. Also warrior animations are nonexistent while other classes animations are a lot more “animated” and colorful. I love using a sword but hate the low damage and hate the shield.
There is a lot to unpack here so I’m gonna do it point by point
1.healer mage: I don’t think having a class capable of doing uncapped healing output would be healthy for the game. To put it simply you either make the heal spell do almost no healing and have the class feel entirely unviable in all levels of play except super late game or you make it actually okay at healing and watch someone learn to cast it 3 times per second and decimate any sense of difficulty for late game content.
Basically mage works as an uncapped dps because allowing players to push the boundaries on dps output doesn’t really break the game and generally tends to really only affect the speed at which bosses die instead of majorly impacting how dangerous the fight itself is. Pushing the boundaries on how much healing you can output tends to have a more exponential effect. Even small increases to healing output can have a big impact in the margin of error that you get when you subtract the bosses rate of damage from your rate of healing.
2.summoner: I’m sure someone could theorycraft a version that circumvents this problem but summoner tend to be very noninteractive. When your class identity is watching something else kill things you don’t really end up doing a whole lot. Every class needs a level of difficulty, complexity, and some unique skill test that justifies its existance. I have yet to see someone really make something that has that.
3.melee dps
I could and have previously gone on loooooong explanations on the greater game design theories and game mechanics that make orbus a very bad candidate for a conventional close ranged melee class but to save time ill try to stick to the main points.
Agro. Tanks have agro so they do melee because the enemies try to stay close to them. It would not make sense to give a tank a bow or a gun because the enemies actively try to close the distance. Dps classes don’t have agro so they do ranged damage. Realistically when you are doing actual dungeon content the enemies won’t be attacking you and will frequently be moving away from you. If you have every played a warrior and tried to combo an enemy after you lose agro on it you would know how frustrating it is to try to combo an enemy that is constantly moving out of range.
Now you could try to give them multiple dashes and lots of extra movement to try to make up for that which brings me to my next point -
Stamina. Stamina management and positioning is a very important part of combat. Realistically being caught out standing in the wrong place is one of very few things that actually endangers dps classes. The tanks get hammer throws and sword rushes because they actually need mobility and they have other skill tests to overcome (mainly not dying to the thing actively trying to kill them).
3.soloing: its very difficult to make a melee dps class that doesn’t encourage soloing. Because a melee class starts fights at close range, they can’t kill enemies before they reach them and therefore require survivability built into their class to make leveling not a nightmare. One of orbus’s greatest strengths is its community and a big reason for that is the way it forces players to party up. All of the class feel preaty awkward to play and therefore you make friends that can fill in your weaknesses. Unfortunately a class that can do damage and survive at the same time doesn’t really make you feel like you need to party up.
Now there are some people on the forums who have come up with some good examples of pseudomelee dps classes but they all work by not actually being a melee dps class by having very long weapons or attacking a clone of the enemy that stays in front of them or throwing knives, etc. There have even been two melee dps classes in orbus in the past but both of them were remove for being not fun and/or problematic. The first was a barbarian in preborn which was removed because people just really didn’t enjoy playing it and the other was old shaman. Shaman used to want to stand inside of enemies to get maximum dps but it was changed because the class wasn’t playable on any boss that moved and therefore couldnt be used on like half the bosses in the game.
Barbarian never made it into the game.
It’s easy to find something wrong with any and everything. But truth is the classes need “something” we need new classes, different classes, same existing classes but a skill tree that branches off the style of each class, something.
Not saying I hate the game, and I know other people have different concerns or issues they’d rather have fixed.
All I’m saying is when I seen the classes and played them I was like ehhh… I like warrior but the gameplay isn’t fun at all and the animations… Well there’s hardly any versus the other classes that have nice animations.
I enjoy ranger and musketeer but I don’t know, the classes need something new. When I made my statement I wasn’t getting into specifics but giving an example just saying the classes need to be more exciting. And there’s SOOOoooo many games that altered or changed or nerfed or buffed, or added or took away features to add or remaster classes.
If things will change or get better they will have to alter the current formula.
I disagree about orbus needing new classes. I certainly wouldn’t mind more content and classes but I don’t feel like most players are hitting level 30 on most of their classes much less mastering all of them.
I think the greater problem isn’t that the classes lack complexity its that it isn’t until very very late into the game that you realize how complex the classes actually can be. Healers and tanks can feel very boring when leveling because nothing in the overworld really threatens you or forces you to fight strategically. Realistically I don’t expect most newer level 30s of any archetype to understand anything in their toolkit besides the bare minimum to make something die.
Now this is something I wish orbus would improve on. I spend a lot of my time helping new players and I feel like I never see 95%+ of them ever come back. I think having a better tutorial, more enemy diversity, more objectives and puzzles, and more difficult enemies that force you to adapt and learn would make early game a lot more engaging.
That being said in late game shards and raids i would struggle to think of a class that feels anything but borderline overwhelming to learn to play optimally. That goes doubly so for tanks and healers. I main musket and doing mechanics while keeping track of 5 health bars while the boss perpetually yeets my tank every hit takes all 5 of my brain cells firing in overdrive.
Basically what I think I mean to say is that before you start doing late game level 30 content most enemies in the game will only ever walk towards you and hit you or shoot basic projectiles at you and giving classes new shiny tools to use doesn’t solve the problem that there really isn’t any interesting problems to solve with those tools.
I agree with your second half about diversity etc etc. But it’s a matter of opinion. I’ve been playing this game everyday for the past 2 months straight watched videos and got level 30 on 2 classes and close on 2 others. It’s not about complexity, the classes aren’t exciting enough period there’s no fun I never said they were easy to play or weren’t complex enough. I just want better animations and exciting classes that activate that fun role play feel.
And trust me this game to me isn’t as hard as Final Fantasy 14 and AION, and other big mmos at end game. So I’m not shruggling at all with it being too difficult. Just thought the classes could have been cooler. Could be the same mechanics and formula but make the original class selection and animations are a little underwhelming…“to me”
But I love this game and still play it everyday its literally the only reason I got a Oculus Quest 2.
Pretty much agree with @Infiniterune . I could be wrong but I feel like you haven’t had the chance to play any endgame content yet, otherwise I don’t think you would be saying “this game isn’t hard” after two months of playing orbus. But Orbus is what it is at this point and with balancing issues/disagreement already prevalent, I feel like adding classes will just muddy the water on balancing in a game where there are already disagreement on class balancing. Adding some eye candy to the classes will be alright I suppose, but other than that I totally disagree about adding classes.
It’s down to opinion like I said. The game doesn’t have to change its foundation just different play styles of warrior dual wielding or with a 2 handed sword. Or could have easily made Paladin operate the same but made it a 2 handed sword instead of a hammer. Also I’ve done sharded dungeons and raids. If you read my previous I didn’t say the game was hard, I said the games difficulty isn’t an issue for me. I also said after playing endgame on ff14 and others I’m use to difficulty so my suggestions had nothing to do with hoping or wishing the game was easier. I just think the classes aren’t exciting and by that I mainly mean warrior.
Yeah I know, you said that orbus “isn’t as hard as…” I don’t think Infiniterune was talking about difficulty when he was talking about complexity. He was referring back to your assertion that the classes aren’t interesting/fun when he brought up complexity. It was just funny to me that you brought up difficulty and said orbus isn’t hard as other games when literally everyone except a couple of core groups are struggling with b4 hard mode citadel right now.
… Again I’m speaking up to the level of the game I played not the citadel. I stated it saying I have no issue with orbus difficulty, meaning even if it’s the hardest game or not, the difficulty wasn’t my issue. Mainly warrior, the other classes have good animations and are fun, warrior is super basic and boring while it’s still my main class. But anyway I’m not here to argue, you seem to be getting defensive about a game we both love.
I said they just need to spice up the classes whether that’s a branch skill tree system to have a different weapon or play style or new classes that don’t disrupt the games core.
Now if I said raids were easy, or citadel hard was easy I could see you finding that “funny” but I was very specific in my wording. How it’s understood by others I can’t control. 🤷
I guess to elaborate on my point a little bit. Its generally good game design to allow players to create complexity out of simplicity. Its a lot more satisfying to pick a lock with a paperclip than a bump key or a sledge hammer. The science and creativity that goes into trying to make the most out of the tools you have to work with, creating new spell shortcuts, making new tile sets, and optimizing boss fights is the heart and soul of Orbus and other mmos. Players will always default to the path of least resistance and giving them more tools just means they don’t have to be as creative when finding solutions.
I will admit that warrior is a class that deserves a bit more love. I think giving it a more noticeable and satisfying animation when you complete combos would be appreciated. At the same time it would need to be done in a way that wouldn’t be laggy or annoying when you are provoking multiple times per second through your shield which is a lot to ask. Additionally, warrior could be buffed a little bit and paladin could be nerfed a little bit too.
That being said i still totally disagree with warrior being boring or noncomplex late game. Warrior is a bit underpowered but that makes it have to be more creative not less. Having to strategically place your dps so that you can sword rush to them, having to ration your shield to preserve it for tank busters, having actually to jump out of slams and dodge projectiles, having to care about positioning and stamina, and feeling like any mistake could get you killed, all make me feel like the class is more engaging to play than paladin.
Ps. Giving the tank classes dps weapons is still a bad example of an alternative class. You either:
Keep their identity as a tank and have these big meaty weapons hit like wet noodles
Make them into dps and take away their plate armor and have them get absolutely griefed by overworld mobs and be completely unplayable anytime they aren’t partied up
Make them be competent at both and turn them into hyper-paladin soloing machines, completely power creeping the other single archetype classes in the game
Make them mediocre at both and have them see no play late game. If you run them as a tank you get like 10% more total dps at the cost of being dead. If you run them as a dps, you get a dps class with training wheels. You don’t do enough damage to pull your weight and the armor won’t stop you from getting one shot by almost every mechanic that targets dps classes late game. This is the same reason bard needed to be buffed. A below average healer that does above average damage doesn’t keep your tank alive and doesn’t do enough damage to matter.
This is true, OG Warrior was like that and I soloed everything. Was not till Reborn forced me to need a party that I talked to anyone.
Could have missed out entirely on meeting people who turned out to be pretty damn amazing (after Orbus forced me to talk to them).
On this front, WoW does a pretty good job of setting classes to be either tank/dps/heals (typically by changing the weapon type somehow). So it is possible, and can be very very fun.
Though they seem to balance it by giving you one class per character (which can suck, lol).
I like that Orbus lets you have them all on one.
Want to heal? Level a Musky/Bard. Tank? Go Pally/Warrior. DPS well … we have a 4 for 1 special Sir! Wanna try them all? Go right ahead.
Having new classes, or a 3rd talent tree on the existing ones would be nice. After they finish fixing the current ones/sets.
Have faith in the devs, they could come up with something super fun.
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