Musket Resurrection

Given the musketeer is the “cleric”class, are they going to have an option to acquire a resurrection orb at some point? If this has been addressed sorry for asking. It just seems natural for the class. Maybe it is on a long cool down and requires a significant quest so as not to minimize casters who learn the spell. It would be nice to see the healing class have options to raise people during a tough battle when casters are focused on damage dealing, etc.


Since we are healers they should make our super be resurrection .


I will say our super is not very impressive, at least imho.

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I’m not well versed in musketeers but since some people could play the class as a DPS i feel it would be a waste to have it as a Resurrection.

It isn’t really a DPS class. It is the traditional healer / cleric class. Sure, you can play anything as a DPS but it’s best role is as a support class that heals and healers in pretty much every RPG / MMORPG are able to resurrect as part of their abilities. I have been playing RPGs for 30+ years (tabletop, PC, console, etc.) and a healing class without resurrection abilities at some point is very foreign - at least to me. A healing class without the ability to raise is gimped.

I’m not really certain why people believe the musketeer super isn’t powerful or impressive. Having all cooldowns instantly back and then reduced cooldown is amazing. It has saved my group from wipes many times.


I find it useful at times, just not that impressive. I just think musket users as the healer class need to have resurrection at some point.

I will add one other point. I may be in the minority here but I have injuries / disabilities irl that cause a lot of pain with constant arm use. I am really glad for the musket class as I can’t play the other three classes due to my injuries. I can pull off the musket class as I can avoid having to lift and move my arms constantly. I have found some workarounds that let me use the musket without constantly experiencing pain in my shoulders. If that wasn’t an issue I would be happy to constantly practice and make the movements necessary to excel at the warrior, archer, and Runemage classes.

I’d be cool with an alternate res, like the warlock’s soulstone in WOW. Pick the person who is most likely to die, including yourself. Or use it on the mage, that way if its a complete wipe deep in a dungeon, the mage can res then res everyone else.

It will be interesting to see how the Devs handle it. I just don’t think it makes sense that the healer class is not able to resurrect as a class. I can get on board with not starting with it or having to quest for the orb, get to a certain level, etc. but to never have it seems odd and out of sync with the concept of a healer class.

Maybe I am too stuck in my ways of thinking regarding a cleric / healer class. I look at the musketeer as Orbus’ take on a cleric. Perhaps that is wrong as Runemages seem so powerful with many varied and utility powers, including an ability typically reserved for clerics and one of their most sought after abilities - resurrection.

If the Devs have a different vision I may just need to accept it as a unique game and judge it / make choices about whether I am satisfied with the game based on those parameters. It is just something I find unsatisfying and a let down but I am just one voice. If everyone else likes it then that is what matters I guess.

Its refreshing to have a game mix it up a bit. Shooting people in the face to heal them? Yes please.

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the musketeer is a ranged healer/support. nothing about a musketeer assumes a spiritual status so reviving fallen comrades wouldn’t be their role. we have a mechanical gun and some kind of crystal energy based turret. I feel musketeer is more steampunk science.

I feel like if we revived somebody it would be through clockwork prosthetics

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Mages require an item to resurrect. Musketeers would need a similar restriction or it will make Mage resurrection redundant.

I am all for making resurrection have a cost to it for musketeers so it compares (i.e., require a certain type of special powder or something). I just hope the Devs add in the option as it seems odd that the primary healer class can’t resurrect. Plus, the idea that mages can resurrect just creeps me out and makes me think of necromancers so everyone will eventually be a zombie :joy:

Musketeers could possibly just use reagents to resurrect people. Although at that point why wouldn’t all runemage switch to musketeer to ressurect people?

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You make resurrection a higher level orb. You shouldn’t be able to do all things at level one. Make it something you open up at level 11, or maybe limit class levels so you can only reach level 11+ with one class and the rest are stuck at level 10 so you don’t have some master of everything characters running around who can do all things. There should be a reason for other character slots.

Then what do we do about people who’ve already leveled up multiple characters to level 20? Not that it’s a terrible idea and all just has some holes

Let them do a one time split so they get 4 level 20s, and then the other three classes for the Mage are set to 10, the other three classes for the 20 musketeer get set to 10, etc.

you guys are forgetting that there is no unlocking new stuff at later lvls you get ALL your stuff at lvl 1